8 Miles in a Camelbak Marathoner Vest

Workout: 8 mile trail walk/run                100 push-upsAfter I did a review on my new mini-Camelbak, I heard from the company themselves. How awesome is that? They asked if I wanted to try one of their new products —...

10 Tips for First Time Marathoners

The most frequent question I get on here is, do you have any tips for newbie marathon runners? I’ve never devoted a post exclusively to that question before so I figured I’d finally do so. I’ve run into SO many of you training for your first...

Reebok ATV19 Trail Shoes: A MUST

I know I’m a lucky lady for getting to try out so many new shoes from Reebok. When I got these last week, I was unsure what to think. Check out the bottoms! But I soon learned there was a reason behind the uneven surfacing. These shoes are made for the...

Double Workout Wednesday

6am, best time for a run!Workout: 5.5 mile run (9 min. pace)                 45 min. Crossfit (WOD below)So this post is actually about my double workout yesterday but the line just went together and it is now Wednesday so...
FREE: Simple Faith Practices for Busy MomsYes, please!