Do Christians Take the Bible Literally?

Christians take the Bible too literally. You’ve heard it before. But is that really true? The short answer is NO! While there are some things we are to take literally, so much of the Bible is symbolism, parables, poetry and more. After I heard this take one too...

Should Christians Drink Alcohol?

Christians and alcohol: What to say? Should Christians drink alcohol? Short answer? It’s not a sin, but in the past 11 months of going alcohol-free, God has put on a message on my heart to share. We must be more cognizant. We must be more thoughtful. We must not...

Do You Need Church to Have a Relationship with God?

Do you need church to have a relationship with God? Well, it depends on how close of a relationship you want! Theologian Dwight L. Moody once said this: “Church attendance is as vital to a disciple as a transfusion of rich, healthy blood to a sick man.” When we are...
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