by Ericka | Feb 3, 2014 | Core, swim, Uncategorized
New to the Sweet Life? Check us out on Instagram & Facebook too! Did you watch the Superbowl last night? I did and totally enjoyed the commercials 🙂 I was rooting for Denver because I’m from Indiana and well, you know we Hoosiers love Peyton Manning! Ericka | Jan 31, 2014 | Core, Uncategorized
Can you tell it’s still freezing out? We’re dealing with about 7 degrees here in the DC-area — how about you? I’m just glad I was not in Atlanta for that awful traffic jam! Don’t Miss: Swimming, Physical Therapy & Recovery Ericka | Jan 30, 2014 | Core, Crossfit, Uncategorized
** Don’t miss my new post on Kevin Ogar, the Crossfit athlete who was paralyzed this month during a competition. It’s heartbreaking but his words just days later will inspire you. Ericka | Jan 29, 2014 | Core, Uncategorized
Can I tell you how much I LOVE being back in a public gym? My only gym for months has been the little one in our apartment when I’m nearly always alone. LA Fitness is fresh, new and full of people who love to sweat! It made me feel revitalized just being Ericka | Jan 28, 2014 | Core, Uncategorized
It was cold, cold, cold this weekend but that didn’t stop me from heading out to the National Mall for a round of Snowlympics with Back on My Feet. While my toes felt like blocks of ice, it was a blast to go out, play photographer and watch our guys have a blast...