Superbowl of a Weekend & Core Power Day #8

New to the Sweet Life? Check us out on Instagram & Facebook too!  Did you watch the Superbowl last night? I did and totally enjoyed the commercials 🙂 I was rooting for Denver because I’m from Indiana and well, you know we Hoosiers love Peyton Manning! This...

Simple 7-Minute HIIT Workout & Core Power Day #6

Hello everyone! So for today’s challenge, I’m delivering an easy workout that you can modify for your own use. I am going to do the whole thing but feel free to eliminate any of the moves if you choose. Most of these include core but, pick and choose what...

Links I Love & Core Power Day #5

Can you tell it’s still freezing out? We’re dealing with about 7 degrees here in the DC-area — how about you? I’m just glad I was not in Atlanta for that awful traffic jam! Don’t Miss:  Swimming, Physical Therapy & Recovery Ogar...