Ericka's Blog
Reflections and conversations on life
Christmas 2016
Christmas 2016 has come and gone! Since 2015 was kind of a blur, as we had a one-month-old at the time, it was nice to enjoy the season a tad more this year. Surprisingly, our newly-minted toddler did not tear down or destroy the Christmas tree! He got more interested...
Christmas Special: 8 Organizations I Love to Support
There are so many organizations and good causes out there. Sometimes it can be hard to know if you are putting your money in the right place. Of course we all have our passions and issues close to our hearts and thankfully there are so many places you can support...
Checking In: 6 Things I’m Up To
Now that I'm not doing monthly baby updates, I have nothing to get keep on task with blogging so I thought I would check in. It seems like many folks have decided to give up blogging in light of social media. Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook all seem to fill that gap for...
The First Time For So Many Things: A Quick List
We've had a lot of firsts around here lately! First birthday, first steps, first haircut -- can I tell you a little bit about these things? Okay I think we've kind of done the birthday thing but here's a few words on the other firsts! First steps. Jacob took his first...
The Ultimate Guide to Foam Rolling is Here
*Skip the spiel and hit up the guide! I've written about muscle recovery before -- and it's so so so important. I admit, I don't do it enough, especially with all the weight lifting I've been doing lately. But one thing I did recently break out of my exercise box is a...
How I Became Stronger Than Ever Before
>>>>Like my posts about CrossFit? There's ton more of them here!<<<<< I'm gonna go on record saying I've never been stronger in my entire life. At one point in 2014, I thought I was at my peak (which by the way, isn't impressive) but today...