screen-shot-2016-12-06-at-3-33-26-pm*Skip the spiel and hit up the guide!

I’ve written about muscle recovery before — and it’s so so so important. I admit, I don’t do it enough, especially with all the weight lifting I’ve been doing lately.

But one thing I did recently break out of my exercise box is a foam roller. I actually have three of them for some reason but one will do.

I have it sitting out in the living room by Jacob’s toys. Of course, it’s one of his favorite things to play with now 🙂 I mean, give the kid 50 toys and an adult item — and he will choose the adult item every time.  Also, I found a pic with proof that I know how to use these things:


That being said, just having it out reminds me I need to actually use it — and I have been. It’s actually the perfect time for me to have discovered this foam roller guide from Home Gymr. The peeps that run it reached out to me and I thought this was worth sharing with you guys.

To be honest, foam rollers can be kind of overwhelming because there’s so much you can do with them. You just have to know what and how and where to roll to be effective. I mean look at ALL these places you can use it for:


They are an essential item for folks who work from home. It can be tricky to know how to roll, where exactly and how much/how long. I admit, I still don’t have it all together but…this guide has everything you need to know. So book mark it and refer back.

They even offer little tips for various moves, as well as a list of different kinds of foam rollers — and which you should buy. Totally helpful for us active peeps!


See the full guide on the website & share if you love it!

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