by Ericka | May 1, 2017 | Crossfit
I was born into a family of bad backs. My Dad has had a couple of surgeries, my aunts and other family members, too many to count. And it seems I inherited this genetic curse. Even before I began CrossFit, I dealt with some back issues. As a marathon runner, injury...
by Ericka | Apr 30, 2017 | Uncategorized
*This article was first published on National Review. I may be a little late to the party on making fun of the $425 Nordstrom jeans, fashioned to appear caked with mud to showcase a man who is “not afraid to down and dirty,” but I simply must weigh in. As my husband...
by Ericka | Apr 25, 2017 | Uncategorized
I have prided myself in the past few years for truly appreciating a healthy body. Since I’ve dealt with many back issues, including back surgery, sciatica, injuries and the like…everyday I can run and CrossFit, I remind myself how lucky I am. One week ago,...
by Ericka | Apr 23, 2017 | Crossfit, fitness, food
*This post is sponsored by Premier Protein I’ve had so much fun being an ambassador for Premier Protein this year — not to mention gobbling up every bar they sent me and almost drink all the powder and smoothies too. Gonna have to restock soon! So when I...
by Ericka | Apr 17, 2017 | Uncategorized
Our Easter weekend was perfect! I shall start you off with my favorite part, which is a video of Jacob dancing at the Easter egg hunt. Every time he hears a beat, his little body starts moving. In fact, I’ve shown him this video several times and he does it...