In Physical Pain

I have prided myself in the past few years for truly appreciating a healthy body. Since I’ve dealt with many back issues, including back surgery, sciatica, injuries and the like…everyday I can run and CrossFit, I remind myself how lucky I am. One week ago,...

Premier Protein for CrossFitters!

*This post is sponsored by Premier Protein I’ve had so much fun being an ambassador for Premier Protein this year — not to mention gobbling up every bar they sent me and almost drink all the powder and smoothies too. Gonna have to restock soon! So when I...

Our Easter Weekend 2017

Our Easter weekend was perfect! I shall start you off with my favorite part, which is a video of Jacob dancing at the Easter egg hunt. Every time he hears a beat, his little body starts moving. In fact, I’ve shown him this video several times and he does it...
FREE: Simple Faith Practices for Busy MomsYes, please!