Our Easter weekend was perfect! I shall start you off with my favorite part, which is a video of Jacob dancing at the Easter egg hunt. Every time he hears a beat, his little body starts moving. In fact, I’ve shown him this video several times and he does it again. For some reason, we couldn’t get him to smile at the hunt but I still crack up every time I watch this:

The weather this weekend was absolutely gorgeous and I was so looking forward to doing the Easter thing with Jacob, as last year he obviously was too small to have any idea what was going on. Still really didn’t this year but at least he could participate!

On Saturday, we attended the Waterline Church Easter egg hunt, which included a hot air balloon, free popcorn, snow cones, music and all kinds of fun stuff. We recently started attending Waterline and I’m really loving what they are doing in the community. Here are a few:

On Sunday, we were up for church and then down to Bloomington to celebrate with my family. I love that my parents have a huge yard, a basketball court and that pretty much everything is already child-proof considering they have 7 little grandkids and usually we have a couple of cousins thrown in too.

My sister Shelby and her kids were there, as well as our cousins Chloe and Roman. Lindsey and her family were sick and stuck in Indianapolis to be quarantined!

We aren’t really a traditional family so we had a taco bar for Easter dinner 🙂 Also, the only thing I took photos of were the desserts and they were amazing. First of all, who doesn’t love these soft sugar cookies? But secondly, two words: S’mores Skillet. This one was actually made with Heath Bars and Reese Cups!

We had a lovely day celebrating Easter, though next year I intend to start our own family tradition of reading the Easter story from the Bible and actually spending more dedicated time talking about Christ. I feel like we didn’t do a whole lot of it outside of church and that kind of defeats the purpose of celebrating.

I was thanking God for a beautiful weekend and did even have a moment on Saturday where I teared up thinking about how blessed I am. I mean…I just think about all the bad things that happen to people everyday and how none of that has happened to me. Doesn’t mean I’m immune or that it won’t happen, but I just want to remain grateful each day. I’m no better than anyone else and…realize I don’t deserve a better life than the next person. Anyway…just a thought.

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