To the People on the Plane With My Toddler

I never thought much about flying with babies before I had one. I knew I’d prefer not to be seated by one that was crying or in front of one who would kick my seat, but I would also never make a poor momma feel bad if that was the case. When I got my own baby on...

10 Books to Read Next

*My other book reviews here It’s been awhile since I updated you on my latest reads so here ya go! I have been HEAVY on the Christian non-fiction thanks to all the recommendations I get from podcasts. Sorry to those who aren’t into that genre. However, I...

Chicago Weekend: Welcome to Traveling Toddlerhood

We took a weekend trip to Chicago and it was…interesting. We’ve really not taken many trips with Jacob so it’s always a little nerve-wracking and like, “will this work?” I got a few ideas from people online on where to go, what to do...

6 Protein Powder Desserts to Die For (and Make Now!)

*This post is sponsored by Premier Protein I know what you’re thinking. That doesn’t sound healthy to me! I think healthy is all relative. But you can actually make cupcakes with protein powder — among all kinds of other yummy desserts! It’s...
FREE: Simple Faith Practices for Busy MomsYes, please!