38 Weeks Pregnant: How I’m Feeling

Hey ho — I never wrote a 38 weeks pregnant update with Jacob because we never got there! Now here I sit at exactly 38 weeks and I wanted to document a bit. I’ve been counting down the days to when Jacob was born in my pregnancy that it’s weird to be...

How Elizabeth Gilbert Got Me My First Book Deal

No, I’ve never met Elizabeth Gilbert, famed writer of  (most notably) “Eat, Pray, Love” and recent cultural icon. But without her, I wouldn’t be sitting here with a real book deal with Harper Collins, awaiting the release of my book, staring at...

Dear Abby

Dear Abby, I can’t believe you will be here in just a few short weeks. I feel you moving all the time but don’t feel like I will truly know you until I can see your sweet face. I surely already love you so much — and you are part of this family just...

32 Weeks With Baby #2: An Update

I didn’t do many pregnancy updates with Jacob but apparently I’m doing even less with baby #2. But wanted to document a bit so here’s what’s going on! Due date: March 9 How far along: 32 weeks (will be 33 on Friday) Name: Abigail...
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