Church Politics: Diversity & Jesus with Trillia Newbell

Trillia Newbell has a voice that radiates joy. You’ll hear that in today’s episode, when I speak with her about her career as a writer, her love of the gospel and about important topics like racial diversity, Christians in the age of Trump and a hope...

Pro-Life in Practice: 20 Active Ways to Help

Those of us who are pro-life have heard it again and again — “you only care about babies until they’re born.” This is wholly untrue of the pro-life movement, but we can always strive to do more. Many people I know are doing a lot for women and...

Babies Don’t Keep

Five minutes ago, I was rocking my baby to sleep. She’s 10 months old with an ear infection, the chubbiest of all the cheeks and she’s possibly the world’s most perfect baby. We had just come from my sister’s house, where she had sat happily in...
FREE: Simple Faith Practices for Busy MomsYes, please!