Tostadas, Wine, Books and Friends

I’ve been attending Book Club for about a year and a half now but have neglected to ever take photos. And, Melinda’s amazing tostada meal last night was the perfect excuse to get snappin’. We have book club once a month and each month a new person...

Unbroken. Truly.

“Unbroken” by Laura Hillenbrand is the story of Louis Zamperini, a 1936 Olympic runner who was drafted into WW2, survived nearly 50 days at sea after a downed plane and then 2 years in the most brutal of Japanese POW camps. It was one of the most powerful,...

Makes You Think: Book and Movie of the Week

Movies and books are quite often my sources of inspiration. They are thought provoking other lives, tearing me from the blessed reality of my own. In the past week, I’ve read one book and watched one movie — both of which propelled the perspective parts of...

Book Love: “The Life of Pi”

Recently, I read the Life of Pi — the story of a young Indian boy who is the lone survivor of a shipwreck. Stranded on a lifeboat with a tiger for nearly a year, it is an amazing (fictional) story of survival in such a bizarre circumstance. Having grown up in a...

Talking About “Cakewalk” by Kate Moses

I have a particular love for memoirs and Cakewalk is no exception. It’s funny that I’ve read two books in a row pertaining, in large part, literally and metaphorically to food. Having struggled with food issues since I was 13 years old, it’s actually...