Running Across America — Literally

Seriously. Two years ago, Jeff Grabosky ran from coast to coast on a prayer-fueled spiritual journey covering up to 60 miles per day pushing a stroller filled with his belongings.Months of foot travel later, he finally made it to the West Coast from California and...

Radical: It Matters

Since I’ve done several short-term missions trips — and become aware of the possible negatives involved (re: “When Helping Hurts”), I’ve struggled to come to terms with how much the church should focus on short term mission vs. giving...

10 Books to Read in 2012

Glorious Pinterest find 🙂 First of all, I’ve been thinking our my Congo kids like crazy this week. Every photo I have in Congo, I am smiling effortlessly…the pure joy that those kids brought to my life is unmatched. I’m starting to think I need...