You know you’re a fanatic when you run two marathons within a month and are still excited for the next one in two weeks.
Seriously, I’ve heard from people who run a marathon and just don’t want to run again for weeks or months. I know people who’ve no interest in doing more than one — or one a year.
I guess I will run into a drought one day but…not this day. The training is really the “drought” part. Right now, I’m all trained up and ready to go — no daunting, boring 20-milers alone on my list. I’m juicing up this season for all it’s worth.
While running on Sunday, I thought I might not be so into doing Rehobath in three weeks. Nope, just momentary insanity at mile 22 catching me off guard. I’ve got all my mental stability back and am excited to run with my sister in a few weeks!
I’m so marathon crazy, I’ve even been reading people’s old recaps when they link them. I could read marathon recaps all day — that’s how much I love them. I want to read how people felt, what they ate, what worked for them, how they got through it. So many combinations of how to do it right. One of these days, I’ll have it all down 🙂
The first day I will allow myself to run again will be Sunday — possibly Monday. Preferably Monday. I need these legs to REST since I do have that other marathon in two weeks. I think I could actually kill it because I’ve heard it’s PR friendly and if my sister paces me (she might, we’re not sure yet), it’s quite possible. But..not possible if these legs aren’t fully rested. I actually think they would need 4 weeks to be “fully rested” but hey, I’ve got 3 so I’m gonna work with it.
Today, I still feel the remnants of Sunday in my legs. Normally, the day after Thanksgiving I’m rarin’ to go to the gym. And, actually, I almost always want to go for a run on Thanksgiving. Even if I don’t Turkey Trot, I always go run alone.
It was realllly hard not to yesterday, especially with everyone social media-ing their turkey trots! It was a gorgeous day and we didn’t have people over until 3pm but…I told myself NO! It was a weird exchange since normally it’s me convincing myself TO go workout.
Today, I’m chilling again. I’m doing some work, writing, going to see “Lincoln,” eating leftovers and I might go take a leisurely walk. It’s a change for me but a good one for this week.
I'm in the same boat–ran a marathon on Sunday and making myself not run this week. I was fine with if the first two days but now I really want to run, especially since the weather is so gorgeous!
I'm in the same boat–ran a marathon on Sunday and making myself not run this week. I was fine with if the first two days but now I really want to run, especially since the weather is so gorgeous!