Theology for kids. Have you considered it yet for yours? Most of the time, as moms, we are so swamped with the necessary, it’s hard to even think about the optional. I would submit to you that for Christian moms, this shouldn’t be optional! Helping your kids with the building blocks of theology is going to go a long way in solidifying and securing their faith as they grow older within an increasingly post-Christian and hostile culture!

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When I first became a mom, it never crossed my mind. Nearly 7 years into the gig, I am drawn to teaching my children the rich, theological history and terminology of our faith because I know what a foundation this will lay for their comprehension and deeper understanding of God in the future.

Where to even begin? I’m here to help! Over the past few years, I’ve collected a variety of resources to help you with this journey and you can begin with kids as young as 2 (depending on the kid of course!). I will say, I’ve found it gets easier when they are a little older than that 😉

>>>> Christian Kids Discipleship Toolkit

Now let’s get to the reason you’re here in the first place. Look below to find a list of 10 resources you need to start teaching your kids theology. This is a decision you will never regret!

Theology for Kids Resource List

  1. Tiny Theologians: I’m a diehard for Tiny Theologians, which has flashcards (and my kids LOVE picking a card!) and a new resource, Tiny Systematics, which I scooped up right away!
  2. Raising Tiny Disciples: I love everything Phylicia Masonheimer does and this is her e-book on discipling your kids with theology and more.
  3. Raising Crossformed Kids podcast: Great podcast for parents seeking to teach their kids well and incorporate solid, theological concepts.
  4. Theolaby books by Jennie Allen: These gorgeous books from Jennie Allen are a dream she had many years ago and I was lucky enough to chat with her about the vision behind them on my podcast recently. Listen here!
  5. The Big Picture Interactive Bible for Kids. Give me interactive any day. This concept helps kids really incorporate and embed the stories into their minds.
  6. Theo-presents animated videos. I have not watched these yet, but I trust the Gospel Coalition, which is where I found them. Our kids are always consume with cartoons — why not give them something that will benefit them for eternity?
  7. The-ology: Ancient Truths, Ever New. This book comes highly recommend from several places and I wanted to share it with you.
  8. Little Shoots Deep Roots. Christie Thomas has a variety of books, resources and a Christian mom community. I’ve purchased all her items and she is a sound resources for Mommas, especially when you have really young kids.
  9. The Bible Project Kids Studies. The Bible Project is one of my favorite resources on the Internet and so I know their kids stuff is on point for you and your family.
  10. Raising Prayerful Kids . I love these ladies, who take the “hard” out of praying with your kids and learning what it means to pray well. This isn’t exactly theology, but you can combine what you’re learning and incorporate into prayer as well!

Hopefully some of these ideas can get you started as you start raising your kids with the theological foundations they need! Instilling these ideas and characteristics now will be so helpful down the road.

Extra Theological Momma Resources

I’ve been so fortunate to interview some amazing women on the Worth Your Time podcast and I couldn’t let you go without sharing some of my favorite, most relevant episodes for this post. Theology for kids doesn’t have be overwhelming, especially when you have strong voices like these women guiding you. Check out these interviews:

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And though I’ve been learning a TON with my kids through their resources (it’s amazing what you don’t know when no one taught YOU as a kid!), I recommend grabbing some basic theological studies for yourself as well. I actually just purchased Everyday Theology by Mary Wiley for myself.

Said a few more words about this on Instagram if you want to hear more:

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