It feels a little much to put this up on my website, but as I go through the “Experiencing God” study, it asks me each day what God wants me to do in response to my reading. Today I felt that action was to make a specific prayer list for each day of March for my book. So even if this is just for me, I’m laying it it out. But I invite you to join me on one more days if you feel so inclined.

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3/1: Final edits.
3/2: Endorsement requests & amplification opportunity.
3/3: Location the bits & pieces that will draw people in.
3/4: That the Holy Spirit is working in the hearts of future readers already.
3/5: Preparation for hard questions I may get online or otherwise.
3/6: Speaking and presentation opportunities.
3/7: Humility and trust in God to lead the way.
3/8: Hold results loosely and know that I can’t see the full perspective.
3/9: That God would use the simple message He gave to work in specific hearts.
3/10: Connections with churches and organizations who can help amplify and sell.
3/11: Not to be overwhelmed by tasks and remember His “burden is light.”
3/12: Ability to speak clearly & articulately on podcasts, radio, tv, etc.
3/13: Discernment and gentleness when speak on issues of church hurt.
3/14: Publishing process — that nothing will be stalled or rescheduled.
3/15: Friends & influencer help — that the right people will be open to helping share the message.
3/16: Prepare the way for our family as it will be a busy few weeks when the book comes out and will need to rely on my husband for a flexible schedule.
3/17: That the online systems — like Amazon, Facebook, etc. — will find the right people who need to read this book regardless of algorithm, etc.
3/18: Imposter syndrome and feeling unworthy — remembering that God IS worthy and this was his idea.
3/19: That I’ll be able to recall and remember the many facts, stories, pieces of data that are helpful to the message in the moment that I need them.
3/20: For a strong team of people to come around the book & enthusiastically get it out there with me.
3/21: God’s provision to open doors and windows and connections where helpful and needed.
3/22: For the local church to be strengthened in its own way through this little effort.
3/23: That the scripture within the book moves hearts through the Holy Spirit.
3/24: Opportunities surrounding launch to write at reputable publications that will help amplify the subject matter.
3/25: Mental clarity and continued focus on God through it all
3/26: Long-lasting message effect of the book.
3/27: Continue to build email and interest lists leading up to November.
3/28: God would provide creative marketing ideas and opportunities.
3/29: First readers who will be critical in sharing.
3/30: For the women who are searching and hungering for a deeper faith and community.
3/31: That I will not take criticism or negative reviews too personally.

BONUS: My prayer is that I will sell at least 5,000 copies of this book within the first year. Perhaps that seems bold. Perhaps it seems small. Regardless, that’s the number on my mind and I fully believe God can do way more than that.

So that’s the list I’ve come up with, though I’m sure there’s plenty more. I just want to have a focus each day as I pray. I’m doing this because I know the success of this book is more dependent on prayer than anything else.

Thanks for joining me, friends!

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