Manda Carpenter is 28 years old and has already been a foster mom for several years. It’s a passion God put on her heart years go, in childhood, and she was just waiting for the opportunity to go for it. She met an incredible man, married him and the two set out on their foster journey.

They even signed up to take on kids with significant psychological issues, those cases that not everyone might be willing to take on, She’s an incredible advocate and a humble servant of Jesus. In the midst of motherhood, Manda is also thriving as a writer, speaker and leader.

She recently came out with a devotional, “Space” and is working on her first full-length book. She has a couple of life mantras, including “Impressing is Exhausting” and “Get Too Attached” (in reference to being a foster parent). Honestly, it was so refreshing to speak with someone just letting God take the lead in life. She’s got a platform, readers and followers, but Manda’s heart is humble and pure.

It’s hard not to be inspired by the way she lives her life and respect the way she honestly tackles the tough questions that come with fostering and living life as we are called to as Christians. Build a longer table, she says. I’m in.

What we talked about:

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