If you follow me on social media, you already saw this week that I made a big announcement: I’m expecting my second baby in March!

You guys, it still feels very surreal but also incredible that I get to take this amazing journey again. I’m totally enthralled by pregnancy and think it’s the coolest thing ever — especially after that first trimester!

There were times when I wasn’t sure if I would get to have a second child, so I feel so blessed that I will be a mom two times over. You know how much I’ve enjoyed being  mom to Jacob and it’s so strange to think we’ll be starting all over with a newborn again. Even though Jacob is not even two years old, it feels like we’ve had him forever!

I’ll do this post question-style, as that seems popular in the pregnancy blogging world 🙂

How did this happen? Ahh yes, well if you know me, you know that getting pregnant isn’t done the normal way….for those wondering, yes this was another IVF pregnancy using an embryo we had from our last round and it took the first time. The second time with IVF is much less invasive or difficult if you were able to make more than one your first go. I did have to take shots of progesterone this time around but not nearly as many shots and preparation as starting IVF from scratch.

When is the due date? I am 13 weeks 5 days today and my due date is March 9. Jacob was 15 days early so hey, maybe this will be a February baby though!

Gender? We do not know the gender yet. I had blood tests two days ago and we should find out in the next two weeks sometime so stay tuned.

How was the first trimester? Awful, again. But I think I handled it better this time. I had lots of nausea (no throwing up though). I knew there was an end in sight and also knew that keeping busy was better than laying on the couch dwelling on feeling like crap. If I was ever feeling totally awful, I would make myself take a shower, get dressed and leave the house. It helped.

How do you feel now? Nausea is almost completely gone. The main thing is feeling super tired in the afternoons and evenings. I still get a flare up of sickness like once a day though. Also, feeling extremely bloated all the time, and like my stomach is sticking out like crazy but it’s really not. I also will eat a meal, think I’m not full but then 10 minutes later, feel so full and uncomfortable. It’s like delayed reaction…my body needs time to think about what it’s doing.

Any cravings? Like the first time around, I craved Jimmy Johns — just that kind of plain tasting sandwich. I have to have food immediately when I get up — and it’s almost always half a bagel with butter and jelly or honey. Sometimes a cheeseburger from Steak n’ Shake or  Asian take out, though I rarely actually go get those things, haha. Also, get HANGRY out of the blue and always need snacks on hand…definitely upped those calories big time.

Aversions? Coffee, again! I still drink a cup a day but can’t really enjoy it much. So you know I was obsessed with Halo Top ice cream, but now I can’t really eat it. It has a weird aftertaste and just grosses me out. Also, protein bars and Rx Bars — struggling with eating that kind of thing. I went back to my old sugar-filled Nature Valley dark chocolate peanut granola bars. Probably because it has ingredients that are bad for you or something 🙂

Weight gain: I’ve gained at least 6 pounds so far — which is more than I was planning for the first trimester but what are you going to do? However, I started this pregnancy weighting like 15 pounds LESS than I started my last one so that’s interesting. I’m curious to see the differences but to be honest, I feel like I’m going to gain more weight this time, it’s just a feeling I have.

Exercise: Despite my nausea, I continued to workout regularly, unlike with pregnancy one when I basically just said, I feel awful and want to die. Working out actually combatted the nausea and made me forget about it. I twas just a matter of actually getting myself to the gym to do it. So, LOTS more movement this time around. Also, doctors haver revised the standards for heart rate now and you don’t need to be as concerned with keeping it under a certain number. I do not push myself too much but also am not worrying too much about it. I have really laxxed on strength training though and can feel that kind of leaving. Those beloved pull ups getting REALLY hard to maintain.

Feelings: Lots 🙂 I’m of course excited because experiencing those firsts with a new baby are amazing. But, yes, I’m pretty nervous about having a newborn again. Jacob has been a good sleeper since he was 4 months old — he hasn’t gotten up in the middle of the night for over 6 months+ and sleeps 12 hours. I mean, I am spoiled rotten with sleep — and I am not good with lots of wake ups, so mentally preparing for that.

Also, have anxiety about breastfeeding. I hated it before and we had quite a time of it — only lasting 2 months or so and supplementing with formula at 2 weeks in. But I know all babies and experiences are different so I will come in with a renewed mind and understanding that it takes time. Maybe I will have a better experience this time. If I can just get a couple of months in, I will feel better.

I’ve read the horror stories about how hard having two littles is — and someone yesterday told me it was more like “multiplication than addition” so…I have no idea what I’m in for. I am nervous for how our family will adapt and bracing myself for some tough moments.

But overall, I know I am so excited and blessed to be able to experience motherhood AGAIN. My dreams come true.