Hello friends! So I’ve been on a protein kick for quite some time. And it’s not going anywhere. As weightlifting athlete (non-competitive but I’ll still claim it!), getting enough of the right protein is so important for prep, recovery and maintenance. I’ve tried a variety of protein powders and bars over the years but was never completely sold on anything in particular.

I’m not sure how I originally came across Premier Protein, but I’ve been really happy with it! And today, I’m announcing that I am a Premier Protein Ambassador for 2017. Protein can be intimidating when you first about it. I mean: how much, why, when, what? I still feel overwhelmed with nutrition sometimes. In fact, I just recently got the My Fitness Pal app to start tracking my daily intake. I know, about a decade late on that one! Somebody help a sister out with macros…

Anyway, here are a few reasons to consider upping your protein intake with Premier Protetin:

  • Energy
  • Muscle building
  • Healthy aging
  • Strength
  • Maintenance
  • Hunger solution

I’d say this is most important for those of us who are active, especially with strength training. You know I’ve made MAJOR gains this year. I can lift more in every category than I have in my entire life. Though I did CrossFit for over three years prior to this year, only when I began focusing on nutrition and honing in on consistent strength building did a difference begin to appear.

What’s essential for me is convenience. Premier Protein’s shakes, bars and powders are easy and delicious. They sent a big pack when I first signed on and I downed it all in like a week because it’s truly something that I eat daily, if not more than once daily. And I do not leave home without a bar in my purse. Now that I’m a mom, having snacks at all times is essential. Not that I give those to Jacob, but I just remember to have snacks for myself so I don’t get caught grabbing a bag of gummy worms from the gas station (actually, make that Swedish Fish.)

They have this cool food comparison tool on their website, as well as a protein calculator, which is super helpful.

How do I use it? I take scoops of powder in a plastic bag when I’m on the go, to add to my water bottle when I’m done with a workout. I also keep bars in my purse at all times, and drink the pre-made shakes at home for a snack or pre-workout. I don’t know how I lived before I got into this protein thing.

If you are interested in learning more about protein or want to get more info on Premier Protein, just let me know. I’ll be blogging and posting to social media about it all throughout 2017 so you will have plenty of chances! Looking forward to sharing my journey with you and making great strength strides this year!

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