Best News Ever: I can run again! I can hardly believe it’s true.

My back surgery was a success and the doctor says it’s A-OK to run again, even two weeks later. The back is still sore and they say I need another full week for the soreness to go away but it’s fine to get active right away.

I’m easing into it. I’m skeptical, though, hardly believing that I’ll actually be able to train for a fall marathon. I feel like the wheels will start to fall off once I start doing distance. But no need for negative Nancy, right?

So…on Saturday, I RAN! It was hard. My body isn’t used to running right now and I was sore on Sunday from just 3 miles (so weird!). You can see I was pretty happy about it though:


Oh I saw this and had to share….does anyone else not ever want to take a shower until they workout for the day? That’s why I run around like a scrub all day on Sundays!


Things will be a little different from now on. There will be stretching — lots of it — every day. There will be a focus on keeping a strong core. There will be no heavy dead lifts or tire flipping (the start of this horrendous problem.)

Speaking of which — CrossFit. I’m not supposed to do any weight lifting for another three weeks. The hope of returning to CrossFit is almost to good to be true. Could I really get back in there? I’ve longed for it for so many months. I’ve been jealous of everyone doing the Open right now and stared pathetically at the updates from Trident in my Facebook news feed.

So…before I go signing up for any marathons, I’m going to ease into the next few weeks and see how things feel. I’m too late to register for Marine Corps or Chicago, unfortunately, but there are plenty of others. I may try the Indianapolis Monumental or try for Richmond again!

Two Cool Things (And One You Can Win!)

1. Seyingo
These are ergonomically and aesthetically designed fishhook laptop stands. I actually know the founder and I’ve been using them like crazy. They are actually very simple but extremely helpful. These fishhook stands work with virtually any computer, tablet or phone. I’ve been propping my laptop up on them on my desk at home and it makes such a difference for me neck. For those that sit at on their computers a lot, this is awesome.

**Want to win a FREE Seyingo? Leave a comment telling me so and I’ll pick a winner at random!



2. CamelBak Relay Water Pitcher

Loving the hashtag CamelBak is using for this — #HateToWait. So this is a water filter pitcher that filters at the speed of the faucet. For anyone that’s used to waiting for water to filter, you know how annoying it is! I really like, not only the speed of this pitcher, but also the sturdy feel to it. PLUS, it’s easier to refill than normal pitchers because you don’t have to take the lid off.  They have a pretty awesomely done website up about the pitcher full of fun facts and details. If you like cooking with filtered water, you almost need to have this!



If you’ve ever been forced to quit running, how did you deal with it? Did you come back stronger than before? 

***Don’t forget — you can WIN a free Seyingo by leaving a comment letting me know you want one. 
