
What You Missed This Week: 

Friday — everyone’s favorite. Somehow it seemed like the longest week even though we had Monday off. I hope you have fun plans for the weekend — I’ve just got my fingers crossed that it’s in the 60s as promised from the weather man!

There’s a new column I saw recently (can’t remember where) called “Things I Would G-Chat To You” (or something like that.) So I’m to going copy cat that today and title today’s link love as such.

Things I Would G-Chat To You If We Were Best Friends

Here’s a little shot of my Instagram life this week:


1. Amy’s Organic Tomato Soup with homemade croutons (pieces of bread sprayed with olive oil and salt, toasted in the oven, easy & delicious!)

2. Swimming gear for my mad swimming skills!

3. Foam roller, lacrosse ball and Xfinity band for all that stretching I have to do.

4. Found this beer at World Market — had to try! (It was good!)


Core Power Challenge Day #25
(Repeat od Day #1)

  • Elbow planks: Hold three elbow planks for 30 seconds each (break a 30 seconds to 1 min. in between)
  • elblowplank
  • Side plank dips: Hold an elbow side plank and complete 10 side dips on each side. Repeat once on each side.
  • Bicycle cruches: Complete 50 bicycle crunches (Optional: repeat)
    bicycle crunches

Any MUST-READS this week? How is your core feeling? What fun things are you doing this weekend?