Thursday was another double doozy — though I cut it shorter than planned. I wanted to run 10 miles but fitting in 10 miles plus a crossfit class before work was simply impossible.

The crossfit class was a fairly easy one and heavy on the running so I knew part of my 10 miles would be counted in the class. Trust me, I’m not going to do Fran and then running 10 miles. Thrusters are their own beast.

So here’s how it broke down on Thursday morning:

6:15am: 2.5 miles treadmill
6:40am: .7 miles to box
6:45am: WOD (including 1.2 miles of running)
7:30am: .7 miles to home
7:35am: 2 miles on treadmill

Total: Around 7 miles

Now, I had planned to hit up three more at work on the treadmill but by the time the day rolled around, it didn’t happen. I never feel like getting sweaty after work — at least at the office gym. So I skipped it and said no biggie.

Group running at Back on My Feet on Wednesday

Here’s the breakdown of the week:

Sunday: Rest Day
Monday: Crossfit & 8 miles
Tuesday: Crossfit
Wednesday: 2.5 miles w/ Back on my Feet
Thursday: Crossfit & 7 miles
Friday: Crossfit
Saturday forecast: 10-16 miles

The plan is to run 10-16 miles this morning…we’ll see how that goes. I can never say it’s happening FOR SURE because I like to be flexible. It depends on how my stomach feels (writing this Friday afternoon…)

I know I like to see what other people’s workout schedules are like so I figured I’d give you a glimpse of mine. Let me mention, though, that I would not be running those miles on Crossfit days if I were not marathon training. Normally, I would only run 2-3 if I tacked anything on at all.

I put this on my Facebook fan page the other day but figured it was worth a share here, just cause I liked it so much!:

When you are feeling upset, anxious, bored, scared, worried, angry, sad…..pray, then RUN 🙂

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