On the rooftop in Portland, Oregon at Fitbloggin

Hey there! I know I’ve got some new readers over here these days and that means a few things. One, I want to know who you are! Click here for a bit more ont his blog. 

If you are a new reader and have a blog and/or Twitter handle you’d like to SHARE, please do so in the comments. I’m always looking for new blogs to read — and sometimes I miss some of the best ones by accident! So, I’m asking you, sell yourself 🙂

Two, I’d really like to connect with you on social media as well! First of all, I hope you’ll follow me on Bloglovin’ (or Feedly if that’s your preferred post-Google Reader pick — R.I.P. Google Reader!) but there are a few other spots you can find me regularly.

I’d love to share with you some of my regular blog reads as well. I find this community is at its best when we help promote eachother. We all have a different voice and a different story so sharing the love is the way to go!

Oh a few more pix so you can get to know me a little better!

I got a little marathon-fanatic last year and ran 3 (here’s me at the end of marathon #2 for 2013 and marathon #7 total — the Philadelphia Marathon):

Just after the Philadelphia Marathon last year

And….I just got married in May so I’m still pretty excited about that! We had a 2- person wedding — no guests! — in Jamaica and it was absolutely perfect. If you are considering an elope-style wedding, I highly recommend it and would be happy to chat about it!

I’ve mentioned some of these before — and they change frequently but for right now, some of my absolute favorite reads include:

I must admit that a few of those I love simply because I’m obsessed with reading marathon recaps and these peeps are run them a LOT — so I have plenty of recaps to get through. I don’t know, just love them for some reason.

YOUR TURN: What is your blog? What is your twitter handle? What are YOUR favorite reads? 

I’m looking forward to reading lots of responses on this one and can’t wait to check out some new spots!

FREE: Simple Faith Practices for Busy MomsYes, please!