Happy Friday everyone! I wish I was disciplined enough to remember and mark all my favorite posts of the week but…sadly, I’ve not found the trick to making it happen. There were SO many this week that I loved — like this one and this one and this one.

There are a few things that stood out to me, thought, that I’d like to share!

  • The Run For 1 Million Virtual Race: Run anywhere from 1.5 miles to 100 miles to raise money for the Green Beret Foundation. The race entry (for all distances) is only $29 and you run your own race (they send you a bib and you have to prove your time in the end). I like this idea of a virtual race for a low cost for a good cause. Check it out — anyone can participate.
  • Breadwinner Moms: Truth Behind the Trend: I actually organized this event so I’m excited to put it on. This will be a panel discussion about the recent Pew study on more and more women being the breadwinners in their households. It will be live online and I encourage you to check it out!
  • Orphans Shouldn’t Wait: There are 400,540 kids in the U.S. foster care system — 105,000 of them waiting to be adopted. A cool organization — Wait No More — is putting adoption in the spotlight and encourage more families to consider it. I want nothing more than to make adoption a regular practice for loving families — and I do mean ALL families.
  • Success After 30: 11 Famous People Who Made It Later — All around awesome, especially for those of us who have, um, hit that third decade. Very inspiring!
  • The Truth About Girls: You’ve probably already seen this hilarious Amy Schumer clip but it’s worth a re-watch. It’s so funny but also sad in some ways. Watch yourself — around yourself.
  • You Can’t Just Quit Food: Honest post from Clare about her struggles with binge eating disorder. I can totally relate — and her title is something I’ve remembered often. EDs are strange to conquer because you can’t get away from food so you have to “deal with it” and every meal, decision, etc. is another round of decision making. Does it ever fully go away? I don’t know. But we’re not alone. Keep fighting. 

I read so much quality stuff every week — it’s hard to keep up. And I’ve run into some awesome websites that are new to me lately — like Verily, The Gospel Coalition and SheLoves — there is simply not enough time to get to everything. But I’m sure trying 🙂

Any favorites I MUST READ you want to share? 

**Lastly — I was considering doing a “questions” posts where I answer any questions you have for me about whatever! That might be a silly idea, though. I really enjoy reading others who do it but…just a thought.

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