I’ve got a few things to share with you guys today. One, my friend Kira (she’s super famous for appearing on a G+ Hangout with President Obama earlier this year — catch her intro at 2:05!), brought a really important issue to my attention this week.
It’s something that could affect you as a blogger, business owner, and consumer. It could also have issues on our electoral process.
Mozilla Firefox (and possibly Google), a widely used browser, may be blocking 3rd party cookies. What does this mean? —->; Blocking third party cookies will tear down the ad networks of smaller bloggers and businesses — something they depend on for income.
It will also leave valuable data in the hands of just two large corporations…this data can be “held hostage” during elections depending on the politics of those who run them. Read more detail about it here.
Kira did a video explaining it a bit more here:
Since this is a private market issue, she believes Mozilla can be pressured to change their strategy with just a small amount of publicity (they’ve already pushed their plans back due to the incredible drop-off of Firefox users from this announcement).
We won’t know the consequences of this small but vital change until it’s too late – so please, speak out now! Check my Twitter feed tomorrow for tweets you can copy.
Stole this pic from Pinterest but love it! Patagonia:
“Instead of pouring over websites, yelp reviews, guidebooks, etc., you can just download and go! It’s great for groups of friends who want to do something different and be surprised! The app itself will be cool, but really it is just there to facilitate and guide you (and your significant other or your family) through an awesome day outdoors! There’s nothing like breathing fresh air and releasing your expectations.”