Camille and Sam stand ready to begin next to Crossfit Games Director Dave Castro

Just watched Camille Le Blanc-Bazinet and Sam Briggs complete the 13.5 Open WOD.

I can’t believe I’m so entranced by watching these workouts but I am! This was the best one yet.

It was Fran times terrible! Here’s the WOD:

4 minute AMRAP of:
15 Thrusters (100 / 65 lbs)
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups
*4 minute bonus for every 90 reps (3 rounds) completed

Sam only got through two rounds but Camille made it to third, competing solo while the crowd cheered on her every rep.

Best part? When Sam came along side to cheer Camille on and encourage through the end of her reps. That is the awesomeness of Crossfit — always cheering eachother on no matter who wins. We support eachother and both of these ladies are fierce!

Even though I woke up in a kind of downer mood, watching this competition perked me right up. I was supposed to go to Crossfit this morning and do the workout myself but didn’t quite make it happen. Might go after work if I’m feeling up to it.

Either way, like watching the end of a marathon or seeing your team win at the last second in basketball, watching the pros dominate the Open in Crossfit is encouraging, inspiring and makes you want to work your butt off too — in whatever sport, activity or life even comes your way. 

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