This morning at church we talked about Connecticut. The horror is incomprehensible. I can say nothing that hasn’t been said already.
I literally cannot imagine how those families feel. This isn’t 9/11 but the feeling I have sure resembles it. We all know it feels worse because they were children. It’s the worst kind of evil to hurt children — they are complete and literal innocents.
I looked at the list of names. Most of them were born in 2006. Most of those killed were only 6 years old. My heart breaks every time I think about it.
We don’t understand it. There’s no meaning behind it. I have no desire to talk about guns — even though you do have to talk about it sometime — and sometime soon. Also, mental illness — because that is part of this if not most.
It’s at a time like this that all we can do is fall on our knees and say “God help us.” Today we sang, “How Great is Our God” and I closed my eyes and all I saw was this great light showering down around the school and around the parents of all those little kids — it was weird but it just came into my head while I was singing. Some might say, how can you sing those words at a time like this? At a time like this, for me, I don’t know what else to do.
For every parent who lost a child on Friday, I pray. That’s all we’ve got right now.