*Don’t forget to enter to win my contest for a FREE pair of Mizuno running shoes!
Here I sit with a really annoying cold. It came up on me over a week ago and is just hangin’ out. Sore throat, stuffy nose, lots of throat clearing.
Saturday, I had my taper-length long run. It was supposed to be 10 miles but I’ve seen plans that said 8 was enough the week before the marathon so I figured I’d settle at 9.
I did not want to go. I was laying on the floor in my closet feeling like a limp piece of spaghetti. But. I’ll be damned if I’m going to work my butt off all these months and then skip my last long run!
I pulled it together, intending on a slow pace and some country music for a mellow go at it. I sometimes forget how much I love country music and it was a nice change of pace from the crazy beats I normally listen too (which reminds I’m adding Gangham Style to my race day play list!) A great mom and son version you’ve got tsee (watch the whole thing!):
Anyway, it was slooow. I mean, I just felt exhausted and slow and like molasses the whole time and cut it at 8.5 miles. My miles were around 10:05-10:10. Of course whenever this happens you start thinking — oh no how am I gonna do this thing next week?
Here’s my running schedule this week:
- Monday: 5 miles (done)
- Wednesday: 4 miles
- Friday: 3 miles
- Saturday: rest & go see Rich Froning at Ballston Crossfit!!!!!
But…I’m okay. I checked that run off the list and went the store. The plan this week is to eat lots of good protein, double veggies and more than usual carbs. I want to try and do my green juices twice a day and I will eat a more carby breakfast than normal this week.
I bought 100% whole wheat bagels and there are so many veggies in my fridge I look like a produce aisle (Three bags of spinach, 1 bag of kale, 3 bags of carrots & more– I intend to eat it all — juicing sucks it up like mo!) Stocked up on 100% whole wheat rice and beans and most importantly, Emergen-C (cause this is!)…I’m gonna do this thing right this week.
I’m going to give my body the fuel it needs to run optimally — like the best gasoline around, ya know? The premium kind.
Taper feels weird, as always. Like — what am I doing? Why am I only running 3 miles? What?!
I’ve been eating more than I should and trying not to freak about it. Sometimes, when I don’t have the option of running all those miles — I feel a bit out of control. And I can’t just go run 10 miles any day this week. I have gained a couple of pounds in recent weeks mostly because I am trying to just go with the flow. I guess it is getting to be winter time so it’s all good. It’s all in my head 🙂
My cold feels a little better today. I bought a new pair of Nike running tights thanks to the gift certificate I won a couple of weeks ago from Heather (thank you!) I had nothing I felt 100% right in for running 26.2 miles as far as pants go. My favorites had holes and my Mizuno running pants only work well for me in shorter distances. Forecast as of today says a high chance of rain (please no!) but we’ll see what happens.