*This post is sponsored by Mizuno Running.

–Fitbloggin’ Part I is here. 

So…bringing you back to Fitbloggin Part 2. It’s been a great weekend and we couldn’t have asked for more beautiful weather in a better place!

The set up for the sponsor area was a blast with a Pop Chips fun booth, trampolines by JumpSport, music and other fun stuff always on in between sessions. I’ve had my fill of Pop Chips this week that’s for sure! I’m kind of in love with them because they are sooo good but so low-cal. Personally, I’m obsessed with the sweet potato ones!

My roomies and I (above with Sana, Meg and Gabby) had a blast together. None of knew eachother but we all meshed well and hung out a lot! So much so that we decided to put together a little video about our weekend at Fitbloggin, which you can see here:

Obviously, one of the best parts of the weekend was meeting new blogger friends! This is me with Taylor from Lifting Revolution and Alicia from Poise in Parma. We were asked to participate in a video interview session about the benefits of natural food, specifically natural maple syrup. I never say no to maple syrup so…that was fun 🙂

There was LOTS of fitness going on, as you can imagine — including the introductory Crossfit class I mentioned yesterday, Zumba, trampoline class, boot camp, yoga and more! Nevermind the handful of us that got up early Friday or Saturday morning to cash in our long runs for marathon training.  Here’s a sample of trampoline class and HELLO — I’m seriously considering getting a JumpSport now:

My long run on Saturday morning was just what I needed. It was SO hard getting up and moving but as always, I was ready for a “brilliant run” in my favorite Mizunos. I’m obsessed with the bright lemon color, it just makes me happy. Meg and I met Coco and Melissa at 5:30am for some miles. I was going for 14 while the rest were doing lower but I planned on feeling it out. It was absolutely GORGEOUS on the harbor and I couldn’t have been happier:

My tummy was feeling a little off but I ignored it and dived into conversation which always makes the run go faster. I was debating on whether to go further when two of our group dropped off at 7 miles but then we ran into Ama, who was supposed to meet us earlier but we missed her! She was doing 20 so I figured I could hack out my last  7 — and I did, woo hoo!

And of course, my Puravit tank (all Fitbloggin’ attendees got one!) summed up my run: 

 But, really, aren’t these views worth it all?!

Here’s a little vlog I did post-run: 

By the way, that Mizuno shirt I’m wearing is awesome. It’s super comfy, mesh-like material with such breathable fabric. The pattern on front and back is pretty as well. I didn’t wear the shorts as planned because I thought i might be cold (I was sooo wrong) but that was my bad.

I was so happy to get that 14-miler out of the way but man was I tired the rest of the day! Still, I had people to meet and things to learn.  At lunch, I was lucky to sit with someone I’ve been following since I began blogging, Miss Zippy! Also it was really great meeting Laura from Mommy Run Fast!

My other lunch buddies, including Christine, Alyssa, Taylor, Amanda and Karen.

I was loving the healthy lunches — my favorite one being a mixed green salad w/ cous cous, salmon, beets and a delicious roasted red pepper dressing. I also appreciate the neverending supply of coffee available since I was so tired the whole time for some reason. Maybe I was dehydrated, I don’t know!

This morning, we finished off the conference with a 5k run. Here I am with a few more new friends (all of whom I read before meting them!)

Found a kindred Mizuno running spirit 🙂

I was especially excited to meet Lindsay from Lindsay’s List this weekend because she is truly one of my favorite bloggers and I often really resonate with here posts in many ways. Thanks for emailing me this pic to use, Lindsay! I ended up running with Amanda from Run to the Finish most of the run and hearing about her upcoming NYC Marathon (jealous!)

In the sessions this weekend, I learned a lot about being a more professional blogger — specifically how to turn a blog post into a freelance article — which is what I’m dying to start doing. I just need to focus! I learned some really helpful insight about SEO — simple stuff that could make a huge difference. Thanks to Diets in Review for providing some of their secrets 🙂

Obviously, this weekend was all about community and learning from others. It can be mentally overwelming to meet so many people all at once for three days in a row. At times, I felt a little anxious and sometimes, I felt intimidated to meet certain people that I really respect as bloggers. That being said, everyone was extremely nice and I’m incredibly glad I was able to form some new friendships.

I’d like to extend a major thank you to Mizuno Running for sponsoring this weekend at Fitbloggin’. As a dedicated Mizuno runner, I couldn’t have been more honored to represent them over the weekend. They know runners and make shoes that work for all kinds of different feet. It’s clear from their intense scientific look at how the foot works while running that they are getting it right and I met a ton of runners over the weekend who agree.

Newsflash: Fitbloggin’ is in Portland, Oregon next year — already thinking about it!

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