When you don’t have the $$ for this, what do you do?

I recently had a discussion with a group of people about how expensive Crossfit is — especially in certain areas like Washington, DC (seems to be the highest of all!), Boston, NYC and I’m guessing LA isn’t too price-friendly either.

When you think about how much it costs for one person — that’s $180/month for me — the numbers add up. A normal gym membership may cost me $50 and back home in Indiana, I know of a place that’s just $20/month! I used to spend a lot of time here:

All that being said, there are a great many people looking for options. While I highly recommend at least attending a free, introductory class or even sitting in to watch a few classes to get the gist of Crossfit, it can be done at home with a small collection of equipment and creative, adaptive mind.

You can easily use your couch for several different exercises including adapted handstand push ups and these tricep dips (extra credit if you put your feet on the table like this!) You might just get some big ‘ol triceps like this hot guy 🙂

While it costs some money to get this stuff, it’s way less expensive than classes. Check out this list, most or all of which you can get at your local sports store (I use Sports Authority.)

10 Items You Need for At-Home Crossfit

1. Set of free weights

2. Medicine ball (2 weights if you can)

3. Ab roller

4. Fitness Box (box jumps)

5. Kettle Bell (2 weights if you can)

6. Jump Rope

7. Basic Barbell w/ weights (the most you will spend but necessary & worth it).

8. Ultimate Sandbag (or weighted vest)

9. Pull-up Bar (it can hook over your doorway)

10. Rowing machine (you can get these for under $200).

Bonus: stretchy strap for assisted pull ups, lacrosse ball for muscle massage, foam roller a must for kneading out knots all over.

I never knew how low a squat was supposed to be until Crossfit!

I’m taking four months off from my Crossfit membership, which is going to save me over $500. I probably won’t buy everything on this list yet because my main focus right now is marathon training.

However, you can also join a regular gym (for a much lower price than Crossfit classes) and use the equipment there. Most gyms will have all of these things available. Just be prepared to get some attention as you do rounds and rounds of everything!

While I was at one of my last classes this morning, I got sad thinking about how I will so miss the music and the people and the rockstar “I LOVE CROSSFIT” attitudes emblazoned on tank tops and compression socks. But, it’s only temporary. And in the meantime, I can have my own makeshift Crossfit paradise at home.

QUESTION: What are creative ways you’ve used normal household items for fitness activities? (I’m picturing holding a baby for weight while you do squats, ha ha)
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