Source: Barefoot Ted has a website! I got this pic from there (from cover of the book too.)

I finally did it. I read “Born to Run.” It’s been sitting on my shelf for months. I knew I wanted to devote my whole attention span to it when the time came. And, finally I did. Well — I know what you were all talking about now. I’m ready to go barefoot baby! Ha ha. My friend Whitney told me I’d be a barefoot convert for a few months after reading it. Everyone is, supposedly.

I mean, the Kenyans do it! The book does an extremely good job of convincing runners that barefoot (barefoot shoes for me, that is) is the way to go. Thinking about how humans never had these crazy running shoes before recently, how the world’s best runners (Hello, Kenya) grow up learning to run barefoot.


I think about when the book talks about our feet molding and grasping differently for the ground without the cushion and constraint of the shoe. They are no longer lazy companions but hard working partners in the stretch to the finish. The injury stats are another thing — the more expensive & fancy the shoe — the more injuries? Apparently so.

Nike did us so wrong. They are trying to make up for it with Nike Free Runners.

And then there’s “learning to run.”
As Christopher McDougall says in the book, it’s not like you just give someone a golf club or a tennis racket and say “go with the flow.” You have to learn proper technique to do it right and effectively.

For most runners — myself included — we just started running no questions asked regarding hip positioning, posture, stride, breathing…nothing. This is a big slap in the face. How could I have been so naive? But I was. It’s time to start learning, folks.


I’m fascinated by these ultrarunner fanatics. I’m never going to be one but I love them. In my heart, I kind of want to be one but I’m pretty sure my cutoff is 26.2 (though I never say never.)

I just had to look up a picture of Jenn and Ann from the book (I’m a girl, the girls interest me more…sorry!). I’m like in awe of them — would be starstruck or something after reading about them.

That’s Jenn. She’s the fastest female in the 100-mile race. Woa.

When Jenn says that the qualifiying time for the marathon Olympic trials is 2:48 so “anyone can get in,” I was like woa, girl. But I’ve got to say, I got more than couple ounces of oomph and inspiration from her and  Ann.

Additionally, the writer talked about embracing the pain, learning to live with it and enjoy it because that’s the only way you can do these things. I’m gonna remember oh so much of this in October. Seriously.

Jenn had one of my favorite lines in the book:

“When I’m out on a long run, the only thing in life that matters is finishing the run. For once, my brain isn’t going blehehehe all the time.

Everything quiets down and the only thing going on is pure flow. It’s just me and the movement and the motion. That’s what I love – just being a barbarian running through the woods.” 

I’m so there. It’s truer than true — when you are running, the only thing that matters is that run. And, as McDougall said in the book, if you haven’t gotten any wisdom or answers for your life issues after a 4-hour run , you probably aren’t getting one. 

Then, there’s Caballo Blanco. Until I started reading this week, I had no idea that Caballo was Micah True — the runner who so recently died out in the wilderness alone. I mean, it suits him to die a death that way. You will know what I mean if you’ve read the book. But, it made it doubly sad now that I “know” him.

Caballo Blanco/Micah True


I was fascinated by the section about how humans evolved into runners and the particular way our bodies are built to be just that. I came away feeling like I’ve got to make some adjustments — to my shoes, my breathing, my stride, my posture — and it’s all going to make a massive difference come marathon time. If half the battle is mental, I think reading this book really gave me a one up.

Reading this was perfect timing. I’m about to run my first trail race — a half marathon — which is going to be challenging for me. I’m not sure what to expect but I’ll tell you, I’m much more excited about it now. North Face Endurance Challenge, I’m ready for you!


Most of all, this book just made me want to run, run, run.

Last night I attended the one-year sobriety ceremony for one of our Back on My Feet guys — Orlando. He was so happy to be there and the best moment of the night for me was when he was going through the good things in his life now that he he is sober.

He stopped after listing a couple of things and after a dramatic pause, he said, “And. I Run.” It deserved it’s own moment. “I RUN.” The glory was all there. And…I run. Do you?


  • Did you read “Born to Run?”
  •  What do you think about barefoot running? I REALLY want to know!
  •  Did reading this book make you want to do an ultra?
  •  Did you change anything about your running lifestyle after reading it? If so, please explain!