Yeah, I’m putting this food processor to work! As I’ve mentioned, I love anything that is crusted with crushed nuts of any kind, especially something sweet like pecans. Even though they are expensive, it’s totally worth it to experiment if you ask me!

So I made a simple healthy dinner of honey pecan crusted chicken with steamed brocooli and roasted sweet potatoes. Delish!

Oh — btw — sorry there haven’t been many running posts lately. I do have one coming — since I ran an awesome 12 miles this weekend and re-invigorated my excitement for the March marathon. Winter has been kind of dreary lately but I’m working on it!

If you want to read more about this meal, click below!

First, I crushed the pecans in the food processor so they came out looking like this:

Then, I cooked the chicken, drizzled it with honey and coated it with pecans on both sides. The recipe only called for one side but I’m obviously a nut lush so I went doubles:

Then I diced up my mini organic sweet potatoes, rolled them around in some olive oil and salt:

I then roasted them for about 20 minutes on 450. I like to get them almost burnt but these suckers weren’t having it. Our food was done so I took them out and they tasted awesome:

Steamed us up a few loads of broccoli (you should seem the gigantic bag of fro bro I bought at Wal-Mart!) I’m all about the greens lately:

Plopped it on a plate and had a fantastic dinner. The chicken was actually huge…too much for me (though somehow I managed to eat it all!). I’d recommend pounding the chicken out thinner next time and maybe halving it to create four smaller portions instead of two massive ones.

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