Alright, randomness today but bear with me. I don’t just run for ice cream, obviously. But part of me does (and seconds at dinner and margaritas and chocolate). To be honest, I think it’s okay if you work your butt off in order to enjoy eating some indulgent things without gaining weight.

However, I often rely too much on my workouts to do that for me. (Sorry, I’m still struggling so..hope you will hear me out for a bit before I move on!) So much to the point that they don’t always cover me (hello, seven pounds I’ve gained.) I know that I care too much about food…I care too much about making room for what I want and too much about the happy buzz I get from my nightly bowl of ice cream (sad but true.) I need to work on it. I don’t know what I’m going to do but it’s on my mind. I need to break the stronghold because it’s just riling up old feelings and I hate feeling out of control.  It’s time to get back on track, for real.

Moving on…

You already I’m semi-obsessed with Mizunos and now I’m even more in love. They just came out with this awesome video proclaiming their status as minimalists before the minimalist movement (as in running shoes, obvi). They make a good case for it and I really appreciate the work they put into explaining the shoe. It’s a bit long but stick with it if you want a shoe you can really appreciate.

Secondly, birthdays and presents. I’ve been encouraged lately to do a bit more vlogging. I’m still not very good at it but if you can bear with me, I promise it will get better.

Monday was Rick’s birthday but he is all about opening presents early. I’m not sure why. Personally, that is not my style but I figured I’d relent by letting him open his birthday present one day early because I knew it would make him happy. I got him power tools, by the way. Not sure where or how he will use them but at least he can say he has them, right? Right.

Little did I know, this early gifting would lead him to guilt trip me into opening one of my Christmas presents — on December 11th! Really?! Ahh, well, he was so excited to give me one of my gifts that I relented. Here’s what proceeded then:

So I’m very excited to use my new food processor people! I’ve been talking about it for like a year and well, send me your favorite recipes requiring a food processor. Like I said, first project up is homemade dark chocolate almond butter!

Okay, last but not least, my daily finds on Pinterest are endless but I loved this one because it can be the happiest moment of my day to just be laying heart to heart. Cheesy, yes, but not less true!

And PS — the Michael Buble Christmas album is fantastic. You must stop what you are doing and immediately go download it on Itunes. The best of the season fo’ sho! 🙂

PPS: Last weekend, Indiana beat #1-rated Kentucky and while I’m not the loyalest fan — this is what Indiana basketball magic feels like and I LOVE it so I just had to share this video montage of the awesome winning shot: 

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