This weekend was Melinda’s 4th Annual Christmas Brunch! And you know I LOVE a brunch šŸ™‚ I never did the brunch thing before moving to DC but it’s kind of a big deal in these parts so I’ve come to be very fond of it!

Of course, brunch always begins with a good mimosa. In this case, champagne, OJ and cranberry juice.

The spread of food was fabulous too. I made sweet potato home fries that were not very pretty so you won’t see them here šŸ™‚ However, they were quite tasty!

Melinda is the best at always having healthy veggies available an you can see here that the sweet, salty and savory were on hand!

Melinda and I met about three years ago in a random small group at church. At the time, I had no friends at church but thanks to her, I’ve met so many wonderful people!

I enjoy events like this brunch because I get to know people better and find those common connections that always exist in a place like DC.

Melinda is just really good about bringing people together and that’s certainly been a blessing in my life!

Want to see more of our yummy brunch? Click below!

So what else was there at this delicious event? Hello homemade cinnamon rolls!

Even though Sara has been busy with her new baby boy, Teddy, she found time to make these amazing rolls. Seriously, so good!

Ahhh, the veggies I mentioned before. These asparagus were unbelievably buttery and good! I had seconds…no joke!

Berries on hand are always a good thing. I definitely took a scoop of these bright beauties. Berries are the perfect snack, naturally sweet and oh so good.

Also, imagine what you can do with a cobbler! That reminds me, I totally need to make cobbler. With vanilla ice cream, melty. Mmm.

PAUSE! Time to check out the scene. There are always new people to meet and chat with — as well as those you don’t get to see very often.

That’s my favorite part. There are so many people in life to keep up with – it’s not always easy to do. I really enjoyed chatting with some girls that I haven’t been able to in awhile.

There was zucchini bread and homemade crumb cake. This came late but I could resist snagging a little pinch of crumbs. I’m a sucker for anything made with that much brown sugar and butter!

Here we are digging in. After 20 minutes of waiting, it was tough to NOT load up our plates with everything. Thankfully, they were small enough to mean thinking twice about that! I’m pretty sure I went back like three times though!

This veggie tray was pretty but I’m not going to lie, I didn’t venture there! I know, I have to admit its true. Normally, I’d LOVE to have this veggie tray readily available in my fridge all the time. So pretty, so convenient. But…the cinnamon rolls trumped all!

Chocolate truffles with brunch? Why not? These delicacies were absolutely amazing. I mean, melt in your mouth, make your tongue happy go lucky delicious. I had two and had to stop myself from having a third!

Don’t forget the homemade tiramisu either. OMG. How beautiful is this cake? I’m in love!

And, last but not least, Melinda made an amazing French Toast Souffle. I mean, straight out of Top Chef if you ask me. She’s known to bring awesome stuff to book club and other events so I wasn’t surprised. It was absolutely amazing! If you want the recipe, let me know because I’m sure she will share!

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