I totally agree, Audrey! And like myself, it seems like most of my readers are happier because they run! I have to say, I’m totally impressed with the response from yesterday’s Mizuno shoes give away. You guys — I LOVE talking about running and how it makes my life better so you provided some amazing conversation yesterday.

Thank you for opening up to tell me why you love to run and in some cases, how it has truly changed your life. I must say it was a record day for comments! Here is a sampling of comments from yesterday’s question of “Why do you love to run?” Of course I recommend just scrolling through the comments from yesterday to read them ALL!

I love to run because I have had 4 right knee surgeries after a high school soccer injury and I told myself for 14 years that I couldnt run….well, I told myself I COULD and I DO! 3 half marathons later and I love it!

Michelle Myers: 
I LOVE to run because it clears my mind & helps me refocus. Running makes my heart strong and helps keep me healthy to take care of my family. I love to run because it allows me to race – which always leaves me feeling inspired & helps me make relationships with other like-minded people. I love to run because it gives me time in the outdoors, which always leaves me reflecting on our incredible Creator and how beautiful this world is. I LOVE TO RUN!

Jackie Grant:
I actually just started walking up this mountain a couple of weeks ago, and slowly I am starting to jog- I feel empowered and feel for the first time in control of my weight loss journey.. So last week I did it- committed and signed up for my first 5 k run this spring… Scary and exciting.. But one mountain at a time and this weight will be gone for good!

Dusty W.:
I lived a very care-free and lazy life for 28 years, which helped me balloon 75+ pounds overweight. My wife and I welcomed our first child into the world and I was truly scared that I wouldn’t be here to see him with a family of his own. I decided shortly after our child’s birth that I was going to change my ways. I started running and changed my diet. I lost 63 pounds in 10 months. I am so thankful for the ability to run and being able to keep the excess weight off. Lord willing, I will be around to see my children have families of their own.

Lori Andersen:
*disclaimer: this is my Mom!
I turned 50 this year & although I have been distance running for 10+ years, I decided to hit the big 50 head on. The celebration started with a 42k relay Oct 16 for @backonmyfeetIndy. I had planned on just taking it easy but my competitive nature kicked in, so I was happy with my times but a little concerned about the next week! .Next was the big one, The @marinecorpmarathon Oct 30th. Weather was perfect & I was able to PR with a 4:35 finish. Next was a easy 13.2 on the big day, Nov 5th. Was honored to run with a BoMF participant in his first half! Running has allowed me to enter this time of my life in better shape mentally & physically then ever! So that is why I Love to Run!

Mari Higuchi: 
I begun running 4 years ago when I found out my husband has cancer. I just simply told him I’ll run in a marathon, so we may fight against cancer. Unfortunately, he passed away before I finish my first marathon. I cried a lot while I’m doing my long distance training, and it became my spiritual and precious time as I always feel he is by me. I love running and I now can’t imagine to live without it. I believe he left this huge and last gift for me to live without him for the rest of my life. I finished 6 Hour Run this year and covered 28.79 miles which I went more than the marathon distance first time. I’m trying to finish 50K and 5 marathons next year to celebrate my 50th year birthday. Mizuno is my best partner to achieve the goal.

I love to run because every time I do I am reminded that I am capable of things that I never thought I could do. Every step that I take takes me further away from all of the negative things that I used to believe about myself and closer to being the strong, incredible, brilliant person that I know I truly am.

Unfortunately, I only have ONE pair of shoes to give away and THE WINNER IS Jennifer Lowrence York (Jennifer —  please email me your address at ericka.andersen@gmail.com!), who wrote:

After my sister was diagnosed and hospitalized in ICU with a surprise case of diabetes, I decided I needed to eat way more apples, and fewer twinkies! I started to try to run and had to work up slowly but now am proud to say I’m 60lbs lighter and can run about 7 miles at one time! Still would consider myself a newbie at the running but sure do enjoy it! Would love to try out the new shoes!!

Thanks to all who participated & to Mizuno, who keep me running every day with their amazing shoes! I hope you will keep up with me on Twitter & keep coming back to read The Sweet Life! I truly love your community, inspiration and support! Running is one of my  best friends — hope you will be too!

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