The Carbs
Here it is folks, the day BEFORE the Baltimore Marathon. I’ve maintained good sleep and nutrition allll week, plus chugged tons of water and carbo-loaded just like Runners World advised!
I know, it’s a common misconception that you should carbo-load the night BEFORE but that is not the plan. I have to be very careful with my meal tonight. Overeating is bad news before a race! (I did this last year and suffered greatly!)
We are going to an Italian restaurant in Baltimore near the hotel and I plan to get something plain like just pasta marinara and a piece of garlic bread.
Race Fuel
As you can see above, I want OPTIONS when I pack up my running pack in the AM. The race starts at 8am and we are about 1 mile from the starting line. I’m guessing I will get up around 5 or 5:30 to wake up, eat breakfast, and get jazzed!
The breakfast plan is a peanut butter sandwich with a banana but we’ll see what my stomach says in the morning.
I’ve really cut back on running this week…did an 8-miler on Saturday and a 4-miler on Tuesday and that’s it. Fresh legs it IS!
The Music Dilemma
I’m still not fully decided on ipod or no ipod. While I’d prefer to go without — because of the cheering crowds and making new friends — I can’t help but remember how awesomely I PR’d last year with the music.
I think I will go with even though I know it is taboo. Since I’m running the Marine Corps Marathon just two weeks later, I will go without for that! I had planned on making a new playlist just for the marathon but time ran out 🙁 I have some awesome songs loaded up already so it should be good. Last year I had the perfect song to cross the finish line:
It felt AWESOME dashing across the finish line to that. What will it be this year?
The Learning Curve
My first marathon (MCM ’08), I was woefully underprepared but managed to get done in a respectable time. The only way I did it was with a mantra:
“This is YOUR marathon, Ericka. You cannot give up.” I repeated “MY marathon” a thousand times until I crossed that Finish Line.
Last year in Chicago, I had a rough experience and had to walk about 3 miles (really hard to take that) but I kept saying it’s better to finish walking then quit. Oh — and it WAS! I actually ran the last two miles with a second wind to the end.
Seems like every marathon is different. I wonder what this one will teach me? I expect to be taught one way or the other. And I’m an eager student 🙂
It's been fun (and motivating) reading about the journey leading up to the marathon. Good luck!
Good luck this weekend!
Have a kickass race. And I've heard that some guy hands out gummy bears on the course up in Baltimore. Look out for that.(And if that's not true, you should sign up for marathon #3 – Richmond, 11/12 – and enjoy the junk food aid stations at miles 16 and 22. Cookies, soda, and gummies.)
Good luck tomorrow!!
It's been fun (and motivating) reading about the journey leading up to the marathon. Good luck!
Good luck this weekend!
Have a kickass race. And I've heard that some guy hands out gummy bears on the course up in Baltimore. Look out for that.(And if that's not true, you should sign up for marathon #3 – Richmond, 11/12 – and enjoy the junk food aid stations at miles 16 and 22. Cookies, soda, and gummies.)
I found the Runner's World approach, specifically starting the carbo-loading 36 hours ahead of the race and really cutting back on protein, worked well for me. Hope it does the same for you. Good luck!
good luck!!
Good luck tomorrow!!
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate your support. Definitely look for an update on Sunday. But keep checking Twitter @ErickaAndersen for updates tomorrow! 🙂
YAY!! So excited, you are going to do great!! If you do with music, remember, you can always turn it off 🙂 Sounds like you are uber prepared and ready to rock 26.2!! Good Luck!
I found the Runner's World approach, specifically starting the carbo-loading 36 hours ahead of the race and really cutting back on protein, worked well for me. Hope it does the same for you. Good luck!
good luck!!
I am running my first marathon in 3 weeks and am starting to get nervous. After reading this, I'm going to start with the "this is my marathon" mantra now!Good lucky with your race this weekend!
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate your support. Definitely look for an update on Sunday. But keep checking Twitter @ErickaAndersen for updates tomorrow! 🙂
YAY!! So excited, you are going to do great!! If you do with music, remember, you can always turn it off 🙂 Sounds like you are uber prepared and ready to rock 26.2!! Good Luck!
Ohhh… Good luck!!! Just go out there and give it your best!!! I'm so impressed with you marathon runners… I still haven't quite figured out how you do it!!! You'll do great! 🙂 P.s. I'd race without the music, but that's just me. I like to enjoy the surroundings and talk to myself in my head and stuff…
I am running my first marathon in 3 weeks and am starting to get nervous. After reading this, I'm going to start with the "this is my marathon" mantra now!Good lucky with your race this weekend!
Ohhh… Good luck!!! Just go out there and give it your best!!! I'm so impressed with you marathon runners… I still haven't quite figured out how you do it!!! You'll do great! 🙂 P.s. I'd race without the music, but that's just me. I like to enjoy the surroundings and talk to myself in my head and stuff…