I’m thankful for my two sisters. Last night when I was out with the girls we talked about sisters and growing up and I’m also reading “You Were Always Mom’s Favorite” — a book about sisters, which I plan to send to one of them when I’m done. Many good times and silly memories abound between the three of us. It’s totally true that sisters need only say one word for an entire collage of memories to appear and burst into laughter. We have those words and those times — and I’m so glad for growing up with them.

I’m thankful for strong legs. They are powerpacked with muscle from so much running right now, they feel satisfied and stretched, able and strong. I am thankful they work so well and cause me no trouble and allow me to run freely and happily.

I’m thankful for the  blogging community I have found in the past few months. It is a world I didn’t know existed until recently but has helped make my life better, truly. My new hobby makes me happy and introduces me to new things and new people and I love it.

I’m thankful for my boyfriend, who inspires me to learn through his thirst for reading and knowledge. I’m thankful that he’s a reader and a fitness person like me. I’m thankful that we like the same foods and the same music. I’m thankful that he sometimes brings me flowers 🙂

I’m thankful for my church, NCC. They fill me up and remind me of what’s most important. They bring messages I need to hear and keep me grounded in God’s faithfulness. They’ve been a true blessing to me in the past five years and I’m so thankful they are there!

I am thankful for Farmers Markets and how they make me happy even when I don’t buy anything. I’m thankful that I love the way the rows of fruits and vegetables and flowers stand out in patterned uniform, creating beautiful symmetry. I’m thankful for the people that grow and sell the food — and keep locally grown food important.

I’m thankful that I have a good job and co workers who are enjoyable to work with. I’m thankful for my own office with it’s own TV and a view from the 6th floor. I’m thankful I get to write sometimes about things I’m passionate about — and that my job gives me a platform to share that.

I’m thankful I’ve discovered a new hobby in cooking and for the satisfaction I feel when I make something and it tastes great. I’m thankful Rick will eat anything I make and always tells me he loves (even though maybe he doesn’t always?).

I guess that’s a good start to thankful Thursday, huh? I’m not sure if I will do it every week but I know a lot of folks who do so I thought I’d jump in!

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