I will rarely get too serious on my blog but I’ve been in a more serious kind of mood this week and I found something I wrote last year that I wanted to share. I re-read it and it made me feel good so hopefully someone else will find it encouraging as well.

I’ve always said one word can sum up religion for me. That word is Grace. It’s often hard to believe that God’s promise to us means all of our sins are simply forgiven and forgotten in the second we take to ask. All of the good that I am is because of God. All that I am not is filled up by His love and mercy. And that is the freedom of our lives in Christ, one that I’ve been awed by again and again.

The truth is that there have been periods in my life that I’ve ignored God. I’ve chosen not to speak to Him, went about my business as if He weren’t a part of that business. But He is always there, waiting for me to acknowledge Him, waiting for me to realize how much I need Him to live. Without Christ, there is breathing and talking and moving and interacting. But there is no real living — or it’s a living confined by earthly restrictions.

This morning I listened to a song that says, “Get the shackles off my feet so I can dance.” I turned it up really loud in my headphones because I meant those words. I don’t have to be shackled by the past because if I was, I’d be making a mockery of God’s promise that His grace is enough. I’d be saying it wasn’t enough that Jesus died to forgive those things — and He did.

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