FREE TOOLKIT: 10 Resources to Overcome Alcohol Dependence for Christian Women 

Ever feel like alcohol or another unhealthy habit is harmful for you?

For years, I struggled with an alcohol dependence that began to control my life. As a Christian mom and Bible study leader, I felt trapped in my own shame. Eventually, I found freedom through my faith community and God’s grace, but it wasn’t easy. Now, I want to help other Christian women tackle the oppression of alcohol and other addictions. If you’re here, I’m so glad.

Anchored in Grace: 10 Tools to Find Freedom From Alcohol + Other Addictions

Reason to Return

Why Women Need the Church and the Church Needs Women

Are you one of the 16 million American women who have left the church in the last decade? Women who have left the church may not realize that the imperfect churches of their pasts might be keeping them from meeting those deep spiritual longings of today.

Andersen’s advice comes across as gentle encouragement from a trusted friend…and the stories speak to the diverse and complicated relationships many women have with the church. This stimulating take on the merits of church membership illuminates.  ~Publisher’s Weekly


Download your free copy of the Anchored in Grace toolkit, created just for Christian women questioning their relationship with alcohol. 

In this toolkit, you’ll find: 

  • Top books & podcasts for the sober curious
  • Scripture to guide your thinking on drinking
  • Websites and groups to check out
  • Hand-selected articles chosen for the Christian woman
  • Interviews featuring faithful women who’ve dealt with alcohol dependence. 
  • EXCLUSIVE updates for my upcoming book, Grace in the Glass: How Women of Faith Wrestle with Alcohol

Especially for moms

Raising kids with a strong faith foundation is one of the most important things you’ll do as a mom. The great thing is, you can learn and grow with them. Join my mailing list to get your copy of the Gospel Kids 101 Guide for a list of ideas and resources to get started with your kids.