The Cold Days of February

What you missed last week: Happy Valentine’s Day! What Blogging is Really About Sitting is Not the New Smoking (ALSO: Stand-Up Desk Review) Move It & Core Power My post on Victory Girls Confession time. I have skipped two days of #CoreCommit. And, if you...

Superbowl of a Weekend & Core Power Day #8

New to the Sweet Life? Check us out on Instagram & Facebook too!  Did you watch the Superbowl last night? I did and totally enjoyed the commercials 🙂 I was rooting for Denver because I’m from Indiana and well, you know we Hoosiers love Peyton Manning! This...

Why I Tri

 From Ericka: While I’m gone, I have some great guests filling in! Please check out Emily of Whole Iron Woman  below and be sure to visit her blog!First of all, a big thanks to Ericka for opening up her blog to me! Ericka and I met through mutual...