So I am really excited to read this book! I heard of Kris Carr a few years ago when she debuted her film “Crazy, Sexy, Cancer.” Right off the bat, this is an ear-catching phrase. It sounded to me like someone who wanted take cancer and shove it right out of her life. I watched the documentary and was immediately inspired and delighted by Kris’s honesty, courage and authenticity.
Time went by and I forgot about Kris but then I wanted to know — did she make it? The long story short is that Kris was diagnosed with a rare stage 4 cancer with no cure. Doctors gave her little hope so she took things into her own hands and transformed her diet into a wellness facility. She calls the produce aisle her pharmacy and has devised a way to fill her body with all the right things (yes, think GREEN) and live WITH cancer.
But the diet she lives by isn’t just for people with cancer, it’s for anyone that wants to change their life — and I’d say, it’s an extremely preventative lifestyle. Now, I know I won’t eat just like Kris eats but as she says in the book, do what you can. Every little bit helps. I’ve read the first few chapters so far it is written for the modern day girlfriend. If you are between the ages of 20-40, you’ll love it! It’s fun, optimistic and you feel like you are just hangin’ with your friend Kris.
I’ve always been a big proponent of healthy eating as a way to wellness and curing ailments. I can’t say I have always lived by it but every time I try, it helps. I know that if I was sick with cancer, the first thing I would do is transform my life to revolve around this diet. I first got interested in using food as a cure when I read the Makers Diet years ago. In this book, a man named Jordan Rubin overcomes a fatal illness that nearly killed him through dramatically transforming his diet in a similar way to Kris’s plan. Here’s the trailer for her documentary if you haven’t seen it:
So, I just went to the store and spent $140 on groceries. For real. I bought spinach, kale, carrots, sweet potatoes, green beans, peppers, Stevia, unsweetened almond milk, organic chicken, organic ground beef…just to name a few things. While, Crazy Sexy advocates a vegetarian or vegan diet, I don’t think that part of the plan is for me but I’m looking forward to learning more from Kris’s journey. She went back to school for nutrition and much of the book so far has been science-based. If you think about what you put into your body and how it runs…it’s amazing people function as well as they do on the standard American diet.
I’ve always said I eat “pretty healthy” but I go days without a vegetable sometimes, I eat processed foods like granola bars and canned peaches. I eat frozen pizza and Splenda and lots of high sugar foods like ice cream and alcohol. So far, I’ve learned I need to cut out my yogurts (artifically sweetened and processed), cut back on coffee (eventually quit) and stop drinking so much (which I already knew.) Also, I was giving bananas far more credit than they deserve — and not giving grapefruit ENOUGH credit.
The truth is, I WANT to start walking the nutritious talk. I believe food has the power to transform my life in good ways. I know I can make it so I don’t have any more stomach issues, cure my mid-afternoon exhaustion, end the chronic winter colds I get, and get more restful sleep. I can prevent the cancer that probably lurks somewhere in my future, maintain glowing skin, a healthy heart and body and more. The book also discusses the gluten-free thing a lot — which I know I need to check out. I ‘m guessing I have a gluten sensitivity but I’ve never been discinplined enough to really test it out.
Most exciting — there is a 21-day cleanse to complete as part of the book! Yeah, I’m excited now because I’m not doing it yet but I’m going to do it and I will document the cleanse on my blog. I’ve NEVER been on a real diet or maintained any sort of true self-control for more than a few days. This will be a real test of willpower but I know I will come away from it feeling amazing. Hope you will join me!
I love the glow I have in this photo & would like to maintain it for years to come! (This was taken 3 years ago so I have some work to do!) |