Lisa Graft’s vision and enthusiasm for leading women is infectious. In the beginning of our conversation, I knew her only from her movement, I Am Mother of the Year. By the end, I realized her passion, drive and goals reach far beyond local moms — she has a message for women across the country.

Aside from being amazed at everything Lisa accomplishes (and doing it while also prioritizing 9 hours of sleep!), I was incredibly moved by how she’s listened for and heard the voice of God guiding her in what she does. She’s recognized her calling and gone for it.

This isn’t about building a following for her. It’s about pursuing a dream God put in her heart to reach women — often moms specifically — about the lies they too often believe about themselves. In a world where Instagram perfection can be difficult for those of scrolling through everyday, Lisa has a different approach.

What we talked about:

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