My blogging has been little lately but I felt like doing a little update on this pregnancy. I always find it interesting to see what people are experiencing so here it goes!

Progress: 24 weeks pregnant (See my 24-week update from last pregnancy here to compare)
Sex: Baby girl!
Size: In the 52% percentile
Weight gain: 20 pounds. This is more than I had gained last time but I also started out about 12 pounds lighter this time around so that makes sense.

Physically: I feel mostly good but definitely feel like I look bigger than I did at this stage last pregnancy. I know that’s normal but I don’t know if it’s just my imagination. However looking back at photos, it seems that way, though people comment that I am small for how far along I am.

Food: Cravings have pretty much ceased but my sweet tooth is in high demand. I don’t keep to any diet and no macro counting but…I try to keep my days pretty healthy, with extra protein, but evenings I usually crash and burn in some respects. It’s hard to feel full to be honest and I always want more, more, more. Part of it is emotional eating and feeling less in control because I’m pregnant. I’m definitely eating more than the extra 300 calories recommended. It is causing me anxiety but as long as I don’t go too overboard, I’m trying not to stress. It is weird though because I was in the best shape of my life by far before. People roll their eyes at my anxieties about food and weight gain but…I guess it’s just my past life coming back to haunt me!

Exercise: I continue to exercise around four days a week, doing modified CrossFit or Beats class, sometimes my own workouts at home or walking/weights. I don’t think I’m going to Orange Theory anymore (or at least will only go every few weeks) because trying to walk fast or incline on the treadmill causes an uncomfortable feeling most of the time and it’s too easy to try and push yourself more than you should there — at least for me. I went to Barre this morning but…ugh, I really hate barre. I always feel like I’m in a parody video about preppy white girls…ha ha. Anyway, I’m reallly slow at the gym and just don’t feel up to it most of the time but will be keeping up with things for my mental health and just to keep a base going.

Baby Prep: We bought a theme for the room at Babies R’ Us yesterday (it’s adorable pastel colored owls) and still need to buy a new rocker, dresser and some other key items. We painted the babies room (farewell to my “home office”) and cleared out the closet in there. I have purchased a few batches of girl clothing from friends and we have bought a couple other items. My sister has some things to give us as well, from my niece Letty. I can only the imagine the mad, last minute dash I’ll be doing when March approaches. Nose Frida, humidifier, baby swing, formula-just-in-case, wraps & swaddles & all the things. I’m sure I will buy way too much! Got my old bassinet set up in the bedroom just to get that done and collected back some of my other old items from my sister too — Rock n’ play, walker, etc.

Work-Life Balance Plan: I’ll be taking 8 weeks off work, but I work from home so it’s not as dramatic as having to go back to an office. Baby will be home with me until 12 weeks, then…part-time daycare to start. Don’t even wanna think about it! For now, I’m just working from home and not really affected pregnancy-wise.

Feelings: As time goes on, I get more excited to meet her. I feel lots of movement on a daily basis and still marvel that Jacob was in there before her! I am amazed she’s at a stage where preemies are born and survive but of course don’t want her to come before full-term. My biggest anxieties are about breastfeeding (which didn’t go well at all last time) and sleeping stuff. I get overly anxious about sleep and just don’t know how it will go this time…I will be attempting to do all the night time stuff, especially the first 8 weeks when I am home, so that at least one of us is getting sleep!

We had a lot of unexpected issues as a family with Jacob and so, I do have some stress about how this transition will affect us but…I believe we are well-prepared this time and better understand how a newborn works. Mental preparation is key!

Looking forward to: Since my labor and delivery was so perfect last time, I’m not dreading it at all and hope it will be the same. I actually enjoyed my time in the hospital! And seeing that perfect face for the first time, I can’t wait. It was truly the best moment ever with Jacob. I’m also looking forward to not having limits on caffeine and being able to drink alcohol or not worry about what foods I can/can’t eat. Oh and of course for Jacob to meet his sister! He knows the baby is in mommy’s belly but still seems a little confused by the concept. I think he will totally love her because he loves holding baby dolls and is usually fascinated by babies in general.

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