Voted best dessert in DC

Voted best dessert in DC

*FYI: Win a free pack of LARABARS (bottom of post)

Today I ran into an article telling me how many steps it would take to burn off a Pumpkin Spice Latte. Ugh!

Talk about stealing the joy right out of my doughnut!

Shape Magazine has a monthly section called “You Ate It. Negate It” dedicated to this irritating trend of documenting how many calories you need to burn off after eating the snack of the season. While I know that logically, you need to burn more calories than you take it to lose weight, the numbers game doesn’t cut it for me.

Why  must we think of every indulgence something that needs to be worked off? In my experience, those are short-lived solutions and you cannot keep up with the game.


If I considered the exercise requirements to burn something off every time I ate, it could get downright nerve wracking. But…I’ve been there, done that — and I don’t want anyone else trekking too close to the line.

And don’t even get me started on the magazines telling you how to go light on Thanksgiving. It’s Thanksgiving! You don’t need to skip the stuffing, okay?

Food is a pleasure — it’s an essential and usually happy part of our holidays, seasons and memories. Having overcome the calorie game and some very miserable holidays because of it, the last thing I want to think about is the best way to burn off something delicious I’m trying to enjoy.

I really hope that the younger magazines don’t discuss this. Please don’t tell me “Seventeen” talks about burning off calories. Hello eating disorder on a page.

So listen, if you eat a lobster roll (like the above), you don’t have go ride your bike for 66 minutes. Just eat your lobster roll — but you know, just make sure you’re near the ocean or else it will just be gross.

Instead of “you ate it, negate it,” how about it, “eat it, enjoy it.”

And that’s my rant of the day. You’re welcome.