
This time last year: Boston.
And this: #BostonStrong: The Best & The Beautiful
This time two years ago:10 Things I Would Tell My Younger Self

It’s rough re-stocking your closet every year. It’s not that your old stuff is un-wearable, it’s just that it’s so “last year.” It was so cute when you bought but now — three wears later with a layer of dust on it — it just doesn’t hug your waist like you want it to (shirts always do this to me!)

I don’t get it but here we are again again and the cutest season of the year is upon us. For work and play, you need (okay, want) some new stuff to feel good and show off a bit. I’m currently in love with almost every piece I’ve seen at Scoop NYC — especially because it’s my style — simple, comfortable and easy.

They call themselves “the ultimate closet” so you know something is right on. Thankfully, you don’t have to go to NYC to get the goods.

6 Favorite Spring & Summer Pieces

1. Easy, Breezy Spring Skirt:
Skirts are my go-to for everything spring/summer. They work casually and professionally and boy do I love dressing up a skirt for work — especially if I’m packing work clothes for post or mid-day workout!

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2. Soft, Transformable Jersey Dress:
*How comfy does this look? I was obsessed the minute I saw it. Dress down or dress up with a statement necklace. Seems like a sporty girl’s dream — need for summer!

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3. Comfy, Loung-y Baseball T:
I have loved the “baseball T” since I was a kid — and still love the adult version today. Perfect for weekends, errands, lounging. 

Screen Shot 2014-04-14 at 9.47.24 PM4. Summer Hippy Tank:
This was literally the first item I saw on Scoop and it hooked me. I love shirts like this — it doesn’t get more “summer” for me!

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 5. World’s Cutest Cover-Up:
Be honest — you have never seen a cuter cover-up. The good thing is, you can wear like a normal outfit too. I can see this with the perfect white suit & sunglasses. 

Screen Shot 2014-04-14 at 9.57.03 PM6. The Versatile, Walk-Everywhere Sandal:
I’m not much of a heels-girl so flats are a must around here. I am into these because they will go with almost anything. Brown, black and white in the shoe makes them super matchey. My issue is always needing a brown and a black of every shoe I love. Problem solved!

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**Bonus Find For the Bold & Fabulous:
Truth? I’m not cool enough to wear this dress — but I’m guessing some of you are and I thought it was so awesome-looking, I had to share.  

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What are your spring and summer staple items? Do you feel like you “need” new clothes each year and if so, how much do you splurge? What is your favorite item on today’s list & why?

*This post is sponsored by Scoop NYC. I did not receive free product for the post (though I do plan on purchasing!)