revolve2 What You Missed: 

Thank goodness it’s finally really, truly spring. It’s so spring that I got a sunburn on my nose this weekend! I actually spent time inside and outside on a bike, which is a whole lot of pedal for this girl. revolve3Sunday, I headed down to Revolve DC  with Emily for the blogger ride they set up. Revolve is awesome at blogger outreach and you can tell they truly appreciate their fans. They also set out to make a great experience for everyone that comes in the studio — with themed rides, enthusiastic teachers, great music and all kinds of mood lighting.

Got a photo with Coco (sorry to Emily and Deborah for cutting you out of this pic — it looked really odd as it was!):


They have three regular classes available: real ride, barre ride and body ride. I’m interested in trying the barre ride because it’s 25 minutes bike, 25 minutes barre workout — sounds like a good mix for me. They also mix it up with new themes and guest teachers sometimes, which is cool. revolve4revolve1 After our one-hour ride, which included two sets of weight lifting (ouch!), we were treated to juice samples from the South Block Juice Company, a “locally grown” business that had all kinds different flavors — all of which were delicious (especially the “Caveman Milk” — cashew, dates, vanilla, cinnamon, yum!) southblockjuice

Cherry Blossoms in Bloom

We had to make a trek down to the city this weekend to check out the last days of the Cherry Blossom Festival. We ran in to a parade and the National Mall was packed with people. It was so nice out and it seemed like everyone I knew was Instagramming photos from the same place! cherry1 We actually rode our bikes from home, which is about 6 miles or so. Then, we parked near the Lincoln Memorial and walked all the way down the Mall and then walked back up toward the White House. I meant to track our mileage but forgot! Either way, I burned a lot of calories biking/walking that day! cherryblossoms2WW2memorial Now it’s time to talk about workouts: 

  • Monday: Run 4.5 miles
  • Tuesday: Swim, stretch
  • Wednesday: REST
  • Thursday: Run 6 miles, stretch
  • Friday: REST
  • Saturday: Bikes/walking/stretch
  • Sunday: 1 hour Spin Class

bestfoot What is your latest workout post?