
Hello friends! You’ve heard me talk about Fitfluential. You’ve seen me hashtag it a million times. But some of you may be wondering, what is it?

From their website: “FitFluential is a vibrant community of fitness enthusiasts sharing their fitness journey both online and offline through social media.”

It’s pretty simple — and it’s FREE and easy to join!


First let me tell you why I joined. I jumped on the Fitfluential bandwagon in it’s infancy. I had just started my blog and I heard about this organization that was all about fitness, social media, blogging and opportunities. I was all about and joined up right away.

Since then, I’ve had amazing opportunities through the program. As a member you receive exclusive discounts, lots of awesome perks and VIP access to events in your area. (Remember when I went to the CrossFit Games? That was through Fitfluential!)


Fitfluential, founded by the amazing and inspiring Kelly Olexa, is very well connected with all your favorite brands — like Reebok, Puma and more. Most of all? You will meet so many inspiring people. Joining Fitfluential was when I really started to LOVE exercise in a new way.

I’ve met so many online friends through this program and get so much encouragement each day from this community. You literally have nothing to lose by signing up and joining us — and no, you do not have to be a blogger! Just think about it! [Also, please make sure you mention you heard about it from me!]


Core Power Challenge Day #22
