
What you missed last week:

Confession time. I have skipped two days of #CoreCommit. And, if you didn’t notice, I failed to put up a workout on Thursday. I had planned to make up for it with one on Saturday but didn’t do that either. Such is the reality of life.

But, like in other parts of life, we get back up again. On Saturday and Sunday, I actually caught up with the two days I missed and so now I’m all set. If you’ve missed a few days — or even fell off the wagon completely — feel free to jump back on this week. Seriously, you do not fail if you keep trying. Let’s finish this 30 days out!

Cold Days & Swimming Pools

It’s been consistently gray, snowy and depressing around these parts. The snow sits in ugly piles on the side of the road and my car is a spattered, muddy mess. It is hard to want to do anything in this kind of weather. But, you can’t let that stop you! Guess what? I even broke down and bought a swimming cap, ear plugs and a nose plug!

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I was up Saturday morning at the gym swimming at 8am! I was excited because I talked to a swimmer friend who gave me an actually swimming workout to do. It seriously made a difference in my mind set and would you believe it? I actually found a swimming rhythm! You know the “happy run” feeling where you are in the groove? That can happen with swimming! Not as awesome but cool to “find” it.

Mini Pyramid Workout
200 Warm Up – Choice of stroke
Main Set – rest 15 seconds between each:
50 Free
75 Free
100 Free
150 Free
100 Free
75 Free
50 Free
100 Cool Down – Choice of stroke
Total yards: 1,000

I want to say this took me a little under 30 minutes. Having the number goal to look forward to and the 15 second breaks actually makes it go really fast.

I am so proud of myself for getting back in the pool on Sunday as well! On Sunday here was my work out:

Ericka’s Made-Up Workout
400 free
100 back stroke
100 free
100 breast stroke
100 free
100 back stroke
100 free
100 breast stroke
200 free

Seriously hope these arms are going to see results because of this. Swimming even feels like its doing my body good. I’m lengthening everything, which is so good for back recovery.

Back Update

Even though I don’t feel like my back is actually getting much better, I know swimming is good for it. Speaking of which, I have my third round of steroid shots this Friday. Then, three more weeks of PT before heading back to the orthopedist to make a decision on surgery. Signs are pointing to yes. I’ve been doing everything right and there may be no other option. As I’ve mentioned, it’s very noninvasive and is not as serious a surgery as many people have. You guys, I am DREAMING about running again. If I could train for a fall marathon, I’d be so happy!

This weekend I also went to my friend Tiffany’s baby shower (she is due in like 2 weeks!). That was fun and I got this cute pic of her opening gifts:

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Now it’s time to share our workouts for the week! Here’s mine:

  • Monday: 45 minute swimming, core
  • Tuesday: 4-mile walk, arms, core
  • Wednesday: REST
  • Thursday: 15 minutes elliptical, 15 minutes bike, arms
  • Friday: REST
  • Saturday: 40 minutes swim, 2 mile walk, core
  • Sunday: 40 minutes swim, 1 mile walk, core



Now it’s time to link up! Share your latest workout link below!


Core Power Challenge Day #21

  • Plank work: Hold a side plank for 30 seconds. Repeat 3x on each side.
  • Plank work 2: Hold an elbow plank for 30-45 seconds. Repeat 3x.
  • Relax: On your back, with knees bent and together, move them from side to the other (feet stay on ground) back and forth at a slow pace for 1-minute.