
Can I tell you how much I LOVE being back in a public gym? My only gym for months has been the little one in our apartment when I’m nearly always alone.

LA Fitness is fresh, new and full of people who love to sweat! It made me feel revitalized just being among fitness lovers again. The gym has classes too — zumba, yoga, spin — I forgot how much I miss those!

Already, I’m feeling ideas come back to me for blogging and remembering the thrill of endorphins. Yeah, I know, I wasn’t out for that long, but I am just happy that I’ve finally gotten pro-active and got myself back in the game.

The Importance of Mixing It Up

Also, it reminded me of the power & importance of CHANGE! So many times people get stuck in a rut — with fitness or with life. When you try something new or different, you are often reluctant or intimidated at first…but every time I do it, it makes me happy.

For a long time in my life, I refused to try anything new. In college, I rarely joined groups or experimented with hobbies or classes. Oh how I want to slap my former self in the face! I would do college so much better the second time around…ah well.


Having gone to yoga the other day and zumba (no worries, modified) last night, I remembered how changing it up revs up your brain AND your body.

Even if you aren’t really in a rut, I recommend trying out a new class or a new routine just to see how it gets you thinking differently. You will be amazed!

My work schedule has changed a lot lately. I thought I would HATE it but it’s actually given me new ideas on how I can work most efficiently, and it’s something I never would have done on my own.

Long story short, don’t get stuck in your ways. You’ll miss out on good ideas, cool people, and a different kind of fulfillment.

Do you mix it up much — or add new classes/hobbies to your routine? Have you ever considered trying something you never thought you would? How has keeping things interesting contributed to your life being more fulfilling? 


Core Power Challenge Day #3

  • 25 sit-ups (or crunches) preferably on large stability ball (squeeze those abs!)
  • 10 side balance crunches on each side (repeat)
  • 30-45 second plank (two times)
  • 25 sit-ups again (same as first exercise)

*As always, modify as you need to! Don’t push yourself too hard and just do what you can. Don’t forget to tweet or Instagram #CoreCommit when you are done