I had such a fun weekend! It started off Friday night when we went to see “Captain Phillips.” I wasn’t that excited to see it but it ended up being a pretty good movie. You can’t really go wrong with Tom Hanks, right? This morning I actually saw the real Captain Phillips in an interview, pretty cool.

King’s Dominion 

Saturday we headed to King’s Dominion (remember when we went last year?) Rick surprised me with a deal on Living Social and even though it was raining, this was the only day we could go so we went hoping the rain would hold out. Luckily, it did!

This was one of the days they do the haunted theme park after 7pm so that was pretty cool — though rather tame on the haunting. We went through a haunted house and were stalked by a few zombies. King’s Dominion is heavy on the roller coasters, which I love. Because the weather wasn’t great, the park didn’t have a ton of people so lines were mostly short and sweet.

Zac Brown Band Concert

Sunday was another fun day. We had tickets to see the Zac Brown Band at Jiffy Lube Live. Unfortunately, weather still wasn’t great but luckily, the rain held out again. We got there early and hung out at the “parking lot party” (you guys have heard that song, right?). Then we headed in for the concert.

One thing I don’t love about concerts is that you have to wait like 2 hours to see the person you actually came to see! I’m not a huge fan of opening bands plus, I just get tired. I know, silly, but it’s true.

It was a late night and I was falling asleep in the car on the way home — but I was happy because I got to sing along to “Chicken Fried.” I remember when I first discovered that song back in 2008 — before anyone knew who Zac Brown was and before the song got popular. I have been a fan ever since! Got bits of my two favorite songs here:

Today is Columbus Day so I am home from work — yay! Rick is actually on furlough thanks to the government shutdown so he’s been home for a couple of weeks now. Crazy, huh? Yeah, let’s just hope they get that government up and running again soon…

I’m really excited because this week I’m heading to Pennsylvania for the Runner’s World Half-Marathon & Festival. It’s going to be so much fun and I just hope the sun is shining!

Do you like amusement parks and roller coasters? Have you seen Zac Brown or do you love the song “Chicken Fried” like me?! Going to the Runner’s World half?