Ooh how fun was this? I got an email inviting me to be on another Huffington Post Live segment on Monday and it was perfect timing. The subject was “Going Dutch on Engagement Rings.” Even though that was not the case in my engagement, they still wanted the perspective of a newlywed.
I was on with HuffPostLive’s Caitlyn Becker, Anne Chertoff and Don Strzepek.
Apparently, going dutch on rings is a new fad — but how common is it? It didn’t seem like many are doing it that way but we all agreed that couples are different — and it’s perfectly fine to split the cost. I mentioned that my husband and I kind of agreed on a general price and kept it within a reasonable range — then we basically split the cost of our wedding.
Spotlight on New Rhythm Project
I recently wrote a piece for the New Rhythm Project about an awesome organization supporting teens in foster care, the Family Youth Initiative. After attending an informational session there, I was inspired to help spread the word about this great organization. Hope you will check out this piece and consider how you can help kids without families.